I was talking with a woman from the Netherlands and somehow we ended up talking about how our countries treat stranded marine life. Of course the Netherlands have regular beaches where whales can get stranded, but the first thing that popped into my head were whales flopping over the sides of Netherlands' dams.
@Koshee ...I didn't know that. *feels stupid* Thank you for letting me know, and have a nice day... I have places to be now... *hides under bed out of embarrassment*
@SuuDensen Just keep drinking.. Never stop drinking it.. And it will. Hells, when there was a fresh drinking water in the Netherlands, we drank nothing But beer
i have a ((weak)) theory that some whales beach themselves in an attempt to communicate with humans, like a suicide-protest against pollution or something.
i heard they found a plastic bag in the marianas trench. v_v