Inspired by something I witnessed on a bus once. I sat opposite of two women in nikabs, which is a rare sight around here (usually it’s just scarfs). Then a bunch of kindergarten children got on, and when they saw the women, one little boy yelled “Ninjas!” and all the other children more or less went, “Oooooooh!”.
Their teacher tried to explain that the women weren’t ninjas, but I later heard two of the boys speculate on whatever or not the women were hiding their awesome ninja swords under their clothes.
One of the most entertaining bus rides I’ve ever been on.
When i was a 6 my mom came to my school she wears a head scarf and a boy in my class thought she was a super hero. My mom played along and told the kid stories about her adventures!
I wear a nikab/veil : )
Once when I went hiking,a 3 yr old kid saw my sisters and I and was crying because he wanted the ninjas to play with him.Personally,I find it amusing :P
I more or less remember the first time (not sure, but still) I saw a niqab and a burqa. I must have been about five, if I'm not wrong, and I went with my family to visit the Jeita Grotto for the first time. There I saw women wearing niqabs and burqas. I remember being a bit surprised, though I don't think I said anything about that, because I grew up seeing people wearing hijabs (my grandmother wears one, and it's not uncommon in Lebanon), so my mind associated them together. Now, I know that if I see a woman wearing a niqab or a burqa, I know she's not Lebanese, because I've seen or known no Lebanese person wearing them.
@Zuperkrunch Well, here's a thing: Lebanon would be considered the most occidentalized Arab country, which is why you never see Lebanese women wear niqabs and burqas. Also, Lebanese people (me included) wouldn't call themselves Arabs. And as for the food, well each Arab country has its own food, just like every country, though of course, the Arab countries have some ties with each other.