@minando this picture is from 2021
So it has nothing to do with Russia or real life events
They just updated the 2021 calander to have 2023 dates cause they couldn't make a new calander
@addison update the calander? Yeah they refused 2021 Calander and replaced the dates with 2023 dates Because they couldn't make a new one in time. I hope we get new calander with new pictures
Brother Australia up to old tricks with that *underarm* presentation? Warming up for the obligatory beach cricket? Okay, enough aspersions cast. If you want to see something pretty, look up 'New Zealand Christmas Tree', the pohutukawa. They're in full bloom right now, and just gorgeous.
I know 'Murrica is a big dumb albeit well-meaning guy, but I feel like at this point he deserves to lose his virginity at some point. Like, IDK, pair him up with Sister Canada or Mexico, even if as a joke. If going political, give him a past where he had a toxic younger relationship with Phillipines (sister Phillipines?) that he doesn't understand was toxic, because history.
@AmericanButterfly I believe Denmark wanted to stay and watch his sister doing sister America but brother America got mad and forced him to leave, so they went skinny dipping together instead
@CorruptUser sister Canada is his adoptive sister so I believe he's not into her; America/Mexico is canon (or at least used to be) but according to Humon she's not putting out before marriage or sth like that; America/Philippines actually makes sense, considering that Philippines is one of the most America friendly countries
Yes and no. In 1898, the US and Spain went to war over made up reasons. The US won, bigtime. The US "paid" a bit of money, but got Spain to cede Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, and the Philippines to the US. The Philippines set up a democracy based on the US and declared independence. The US did not agree... and went to war with them. What actually happened is basically hid somewhere in the history books, but hundreds of thousands of civilians died. The US promised the Filipinos independence... eventually. Then a few decades later, the Japanese invaded half of Asia, and conquered the Philippines from the US, where whatever the US did was just a drop in the bucket compared to the Japanese. But the US defeated Japan, and was not interested in another war and simply let the Filipinos be.
England ecstatic about his flaming pudding thing. Australia/NZ being super hot. America talking about money (of course). The Nordics just enjoying themselves.