A few days ago a pair of Norwegians were attacked by a polar bear while they were sleeping in their tent. They were supposed to be the first tourists on a new rout on one of Norway’s more famous islands, Svalbard.
My first thought when seeing that on the news was, "Well Norway, seems like not even you can be friends with all animals..."
And don't worry. While one of the guys got hurt quite a bit, they both survived.
@Rosin @Queen_Marie_ONE he got in a drunk fight with a police officer, ended up pulling the badge off the uniform and while he was in his cell for sobering up he swallowed the badge because he got hungry?
Hmm, sounds like he and the Netherlands had a night together and combined weed and booze, this is what a night like that would end like... The Netherlands would end up in conversation with a chair or so.
I feel like Svalbard needs to come visit Canada, specifically Churchill where during Polar bear season it's illegal to lock your car so that people can take refuge in it in case a polar bear is in the town, I believe.