Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
WW2 Poll

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WW2 Poll

So according to this poll

The USA, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland all voted USA as the country that did most to defeat the nazis

While the UK and Norway voted the UK as the country that did the most to defeat the nazis

I'm not surprised at USA or UK results but everyone I was I think more would voted UK or USSR or at least be more even between the US and UK

By: AmericanButterfly 23rd May 2020

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Welsh has several words for 'yes', but doesn't really have a word for 'no'; they basically say 'not yes

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Reykjavík's last mayor was an anarchist standup comedian. He had a particular fondness for meeting dignitaries dressed as Star Wars characters.


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4 years ago #9831741        

It cannot be said that one of the three did more than the others to defeat nazi Germany. Had the UK never fought, than the western allies would not have had a chance to launch the invasion at Normandy. Plus, the royal navy almost single handedly delayed the axis navies until America and Russia entered the war. Had Russia never fought, than Germany never suffers massive casualties at Stalingrad and Leningrad. Had America never fought, than the invasion of Normandy is never launched. Plus, American factories provides weapons to the other allies. This was particularly useful to Russia and China, as, despite that fact that they had millions of soldiers, were practically throwing sticks and stones at the axis. My neighbors grandfather fought for the red army, and she said at the beginning of the fighting his platoon had two working guns. So yeah. It was the efforts of all three. Plus China, France, several smaller nations such as Canada and Australia, rebellions in occupied nations, and volunteer fighters from neutral nations.

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4 years ago #9856988        

In my opinion, It would probably be the USSR in first because Germany didn't really start to waver until Russia did what Russia did best and gave them a whole bunch of icy cold winter, pushing them back. One reason the allies started the western front because they didn't want the Soviets to control all of Germany, so they figured they would control some of it before Stalin did. The UK was like the last man standing and in reality, they didn't do a whole lot, but just their existence was enough to help. Germany was actually very scared of Britain and would never try to invade it, which is why they only bombed it. Britain was doing what Britain does best: Rule the waves. Germany didn't have a very good navy, and I believe their best shot at gaining control over the channel came in the form of the Bismarck. But that didn't work, and it reaffirmed to the Germans that if they tried to cross the channel, even with aerial superiority, they would just be decimated by the British. This is also reinforced by the battle of Dunkirk, where family fishing boats were able to make it across the channel safely, with the only threat being the german Bombers. The USA didn't actually do much against Germany, because by the time they joined Germany was pretty much-taken care of. Where the USA shines is in the East Asian Theatre against Japan. As far as I know, they were either the sole reason or heavily helped with the taking down of Japan. They were going to Nuke Germany, but since Germany was already taken care of, they used them on Japan instead.

So My ranking would go:

1.) USSR
2.) UK
3.) USA

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1 month ago #9882812        

That's what we call soft power : do less but spread it like you're the only one having done anything.
What we do remember the most is D-Day, when the US did bother to enter the game after years of 'meh, not my war, but I can sell you equipment for a price. Who TF bombed my Pacific island? Maybe I should do something about the messe.' and the rebuilding effort where they actually were useful and gave a lot of money when Soviet Union started to buid a wall that would stay for decades.

1 year ago #9878160        

I'm Norwegian and I feel usa focused a bit more on the Japan front than the European Front

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2 years ago #9876229        

germany finally fixed his hair

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3 years ago #9871075        

This is disappointing - I really thought most Europeans knew better then this. :(

The answer is obviously the Soviet Union.

After Barbarossa (the German attack on the Soviets), Germany never committed less then 75% of her land forces against the Soviets.
While the British and American contribution obviously was valuable as well, and it was the combined effort of all Allied forces that ended the war - and at the time it did - there is still no question that the Soviet Union did the majority of the heavy lifting.

The western Allies would have gotten absolutely nowhere in North Africa, Italy or France if they had been met by the kind of German forces the Soviets fought on the eastern front.

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3 years ago #9869870        

During the war, it's pretty even between UK and USSR, I think - sure, the Soviets did most to grind up the Wehrmacht, but the British were definitely fighting smarter (and way luckier) - guess that happens when you don't have lots of ablative land and manpower.
After the war, though, the US did a lot of the work (well, the successful work, at least) of defeating NS support in the minds.

Then, of course, there's European integration - so I guess France and the Benelux countries share a bit in the credit - but on the other hand, France is largely responsible for the rise of Fascism especially in Germany, so I guess they're out - but Benelux get a supporting actors award.

And last but not least, Hitler and much of the Nazi leadership were raving idiots and the generals were idiots by association by letting them get away with this shit but again, I guess they're also responsible for the whole mess happening so no cigars there.


3 years ago #9867282        

It was the Red army from Soviet that did the most work. America just came in and thought they had won it all, but it was the Red army who won against Hitler. And the Red Army was losing against Finland on the first try, but later when they bombed Helsinki Finland gave up and more than a hundred thousands children where leaved on trains to Sweden, where they got new families. The parents where forced to leave their children if they wanted them to survive.

America didn't do a lot, just fighting with Japan. America just came in to the war and did kinda nothing against Hitler. So the Americans still believe that their country, "the country most near under God", did the most to defeat the Nazis they has wrong. It was the communism who defeated the Nazis, not America.

You've got an history lesson of me.

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3 years ago #9861340        

I will always think that England's shock/horrified face while Norway tries to comfort him by patting his ear (cause I suck at drawing patting his back) to be one of the funniest England drawing

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3 years ago #9860360        

USA did a lot of stuff, including the infamous Capital "B" Bomb. I'm American. Born and raised in the Midwest. We learned the usual Southern History Version of WWII where they taught us "USA!!! USA!!! AMURRIKA!!!! BEST COUNTRY!" and that no other countries could have ended WWII.

I actually enjoy history, though, and read up on WWII on my own. No, we did not do the most to defeat Hitler. I don't know who did, but it wasn't us. We dropped a nuke and fought on some beaches. So did the other countries. Except the bomb thing.

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