Finland celebrates "National Sleepy Head Day," where the last person in the house to wake up is thrown into water by the early risers.
There is a beer called "Fucking Hell" - Hell being the German term for light ale, and Fucking being a village in Austria.
I think the worst thing about the supreme court giving the 'rights back to the states" is history has shown you can't really trust the states to make fair decisions I mean the state that banned or extremely restrict "6/8 week banned" just did it without even having there people vote and it's the whole state and not a county by county situation like this county doesn't allow abortions to be performed in its territory but the next county might. but of course, there are governors who want to punish women for crossing state lines to get to a pro-choice state when they live in a state that banned abortion which I think is the biggest bull shit of all. and all states that banned abortions only have 'in case the mother's life is endangered" but only Idaho has incase of rape or incest
honestly, republicans rather punish women than come or vote on laws that will help children and babies and make women more secure about becoming moms it just has the baby but doesn't bother us about it. honestly, I think if Republicans want women to have babies cause they're against conceptions too for some reason pay them, but of course, the Republicans won't do that and get mad if a woman with six kids is on food stamps
all the judges that voted on getting rid of roe v wade said they wouldn't get rid of it so they lied under oath