A group of Russians were caught trying to cross a bridge that was Vehicles Only dressed as a bus. The original video is actually pretty cute. They get "pulled over" by an exhausted security guard everything.
@DanishPride He seems to be as amenable to suggestion as a HORNy bull, if you ask me, but we could try. Maybe if we GRILLed his sister we could get some clues as to how to stop him.
@SchrodySweden It would take subWAY too long without her help.. But maybe with her help we can get Russia to vehiCHILL? Or maybe this phase will just never PASSenger...
By the way, special counsel under Robert Mueller found no compelling evidence at all of tampering with the elections, so it was probably a Red Scare after all.
How about we just say it's been more than 5 years now; that asshole is on record as one of the very few presidents so blatantly awful they weren't permitted to sit a second term, and it doesn't MATTER anymore either way if Russia meddled in 2016?
@LogicMeister OK, I know Jehova witnesses CAN be annoying with their attempts at spreading the word... But why eradicate them? they've done bumpkiss to harm us as a species, Mormons have done more...
They recruit by preying on the most emotionally vulnerable, intentionally sabotage their children's education, and do literally every dirty trick in the book to keep their members utterly dependent upon the local church and thus all but impossible to leave. Did you know they have their own unaccredited university system? Aside from all the abuse (physical and sexual) that happens at the places that refuse government oversight, the unaccredited part is a bonus since your degree can only be used within the community itself, so good luck trying to leave.
@LuxVertas (ex mormon here) you can kind of say the terribleness of Mormons vary the further you are from Salt Lake. But having to work with Jehovas Witness conference calls occasionally at my job, they are downright on lock with their practices and control. It’s creepy
@LuxVertas they are considered an extremist group over here. A lot of talk how they forced the vulnerable to write over all their eathly posessions to the JW. I'm not sure if that's just the local thing, or others turn a blind eye to that, but as soon as they started amassing property, this was put to an end, so I'm not sure if that's so bad.