Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Denmark the Artist

Denmark the Artist

You thought I would ignore the Muhammed drawings? I’m a Dane! We fucking love to joke about it!

See Sweden and Norway? This is what happens when you leave Denmark alone for too long. He starts drawing!

I have only sort of hinted at it so far, but Denmark is supposed to be racist without realising it. Especially this little incident gave us that reputation.

Bonus info: The irony of the flag-burning? According to tradition, the only way to get rid of Dannebrog (name of the Danish flag) without offending it, is to burn it. :XD:

Iran Denmark Syria Sweden America Norway
1st October 2009
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10 years ago #9408547        

If muslims can't handle mohammad drawngs they can stay away from free countries!

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6 years ago #9801222        

Well is it racist to draw the prophet though ?
I would argue that technically it's not (because islam is a belief, not a race, by the same logic it would be racist to mock scientologists or people who believe in the earth being flat).
As for the more loose definition of racism which does seem to mean being hostile to a group of people because of their culture/beliefs/ethnicity, I would argue that in this case it can really depend on the content of the drawing... But joking about something doesn't mean that you are ultimately hostile. I feel like if I answer yes to that question then I must also answer yes to the question "Is scandinavia and the world racist ?". And I really really don't feel like I want to do that...

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9 years ago #9491163        

Denmark is my hero lol.

3 months ago #9884537        

Alot of people still saying that drawing the prophet isn't a big deal...yikes !!!
Muslims have been called "sensitive" anytime this topic was brought up, and guess by who ?! Well, you guessed it ; white people !! And yes white people as a whole i do have to generalize because it is a fact unfortunately...
YES drawing the prophet *IS* a big deal for us muslims !! We've punished those from our religion who have done it, and we will do the same to those who do it out of our religion, because most of those who drew the prophet are, well once again you guessed it : WHITE PEOPLE !!! Specifically white racists who wanted to piss off muslims by provoking them with a drawing. Yes this might sound dumb for some people but, hey ! Even if you don't like religions or don't believe in them, please make sure to respect them it's the least you could do. Look up what happened in 2014 in Paris after what happened when a big press who usually drew caricatures drew the prophet, and you'll know its a big deal ^^ (and yes, the muslims who killed people who drew it are bad muslims even real muslims don't like but still.) If you leave muslims alone, they'll do the same to you srsly !!!! Again it might just be a drawing, it still as a meaning and a symbolism AND a context. Please don't act dumb when saying "its just a drawing xDDD" you know what it is and why muslims aren't okay with it !!! XOXO

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6 years ago #9799640        

So I just had to search up these drawings, and I think their funny. It honestly is a shame that there was such a big reaction.

7 years ago #9781016        

America looks cute in the last panel

7 years ago #9737752        

'See Sweden and Norway? This is what happens when you leave Denmark alone for too long. He starts drawing!' and apparently he'll either draw something racist (on accident), or naked people. and sex.


3 years ago #9874827        

burning is only possible way to get rid of a flag in any case

3 years ago #9873798        

Not to be over-serious, but the "newspaper" that ran the bash Mohammed cartoons was the same exact paper that put out "Please conquer us, Hitler" during WW II. They were overtly fascist and even pro-Nazi, so they;'re unlikely free-speech heroes. It reminds me of Eddie Izzard, the British comedian, making jokes about how Islam gives you death and Anglicanism gives you cake, when, in fact, Anglicans were responsible for tens of millions of deaths, and Muslims have provided gigatons of cakes.

3 years ago #9873778        

i don't know the drawing looks kinda like a german hussar

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