Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Exotic Food

Exotic Food

A little joke on what the food in the different Nordic countries is like.

The Swedes are said to mix weird things. I once tasted smörgåstårta and it isn’t half bad. It just looks and sounds disgusting when it’s put in front of you. It’s not a real cake, but more like a sandwich that have been turned inside out and dolled up to look like a cake.

The Norwegians are said to make really boring and plain food, without many spices or accompaniments. That have of course changed now, but most of the old traditional food is still rather plain.

Danish food is said to be well tasting but extremely fattening, or sweet. Sometimes both. However, unlike fast food it will satisfy your hunger.

Icelandic traditional food is just plain weird. :XD:

Finland is mainly known for their many different kinds of bread. I just thought it would be fun to have King Europe still refusing to taste mämmi. :D

Iceland Finland Sweden America Norway Europe Denmark
16th November 2010
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9 years ago #9509844        

This is wy Finns don't like others. They ingore our Mämmi.

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9 years ago #9463043        

America is literally me whenever I locate delicious sweet food. I often surprise people as despite that I'm quite thin I can devour huge amounts of dessert. (Which led to some teasing because apparently it's "girly" to like dessert, for some reason)

I think I'd like Norway though, I love fish and chips and while I have a sweet tooth I actually prefer plainer main courses.

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9 years ago #9512932        

What's bad about Smörgåstårtorna and Mämmi?! I don't understand :D

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9 years ago #9492172        

King Europe's reaction to Iceland's food is priceless XD

10 years ago #9415301        

I kinda want to try Risalamande and Mammi :)

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7 years ago #9784311        

"Finland is known for their many different kinds of bread"

The kinds are;
Dark Ryebread
Very Dark Ryebread
Crispy Ryebread
Christmas Bread, which is made with wheat, which used to be very hard to come by in Finland (compared to rye anyway) so to the rest of us, it is simply "bread".

7 years ago #9756160        

A few months back I made (a very basic) smörgåstårta for a class party. It looked really weird and, to others, unappetising, but it ended up being really damn delicious, much to the surprise of everyone but me. It even became the most popular dish at the party, to my delight, blowing all the other expected winners out of the water.

7 years ago #9712505        

I bet Smörgåstårta makes a good for breakfast.

8 years ago #9685888        

My Icelander showed me videos of people eating sheep's head. I'd like to think that tastes better than the shark.

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8 years ago #9681059        

Mämmi is actually pretty good, though not in a way where I could manage to eat it all the time or anything, it's an odd taste that is kind of sweet. Can't really explain it, especially since I don't remember exactly from the last time I tried it but I know I found it decently good still.

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