.أستراليا، حرفياً،"يبيع الرمال فى الصحراء الكبرى" لأن الرمال الأسترالية أفضل للبناء من رمال الصحراء الكبرى
.لذا فاستراليا ليس أياً من ذلك. هو فقط كان لديه شىء بإمكان الصحراء الكبرى استعماله
The sand in the Sahara is wind blown, and therefore is very round and smooth like river pebbles. The sand in Australia has been recently washed up from the sea, and has likely come out of the butt of a parrotfish within the past century. It is made of tiny bits of coral, and therfor is like jacks. When you put weight on sahara sand it comes out from under your foundations like ball bearings, but the Australian sand simply becomes more compact
@v0ider Capitalist 3: "You do certain hours I pay a certain pay"
Feminist: *taking fewer hours* *get's the same hourly pay, but less pay per month" "WAGE GAP!!!"
Feminist: *doesn't get promoted due to fewer hours, whilst male coworker do due to higher working hours* "PATRIARCHY!!!"
@Fluffkin There's bad things in both types of economy.
Capitalist 1: Oh no Capitalism is supposed to be good but I can't afford insurance and now I can't even pay taxes!
Capitalist 2: I can't stand being with the rest of the middle class. I need more money to pay debts from all that money I blew.
Capitalist 3 (read: government) HaHA Screw you! I'm a billionaire and you will all bow down to me cause i'm RICH!
Communist 1: I put in the effort to make the state better, and now I'm getting paid for it.
Communist 2: I put in the effort to make the state better. What do I get? NOTHING!
Government: How dare you talk back! Go to gulag!
oh snap thats actually pretty cool =D
i know this is probably a really stupid question but.... is there any way that lifeless minerals can propagate or influence the environment of foreign lands in any way ((however slight or however many eons it may take)), like how the pilgrims brought all that disease to the 'indians' or how the cane toad spread like wildfire in australia?
i wonder how it would effect things... its an obscure but pretty interesting thought to me lol.
*old fashioned salesman voice* This is the deal of the century! Not everywhere can you get sand, but a bag cost $100! That’s almost robbery! No other deal like it! Hurry and get it before it is gone!