Итак, на шельфе между Гренландией и Канадой есть точка, где может оказаться богатое месторождение нефти и теперь все страны заявляют на неё свои права. В частности Америка, Россия и, да, крошечная Дания настроены крайне агрессивно.
Шведы не способны поучаствовать в разделе, поскольку им весьма проблематично заявить свои права на этот участок, а норвежцы сохраняют спокойствие, ведь у них уже есть своя нефть
America is starting to look at oil a bit differently, working more on renewable energy. Of course I live in CA, so we work harder on renewables than some other states. As long as we don't elect Trump, we'll stay that way.
@FreyjaRN I know we don't need more. But sadly I don't see our new President investing in clean or renewable energy. Not with an EPA head who doesn't believe in Global Warming.
@PaxRomana Yes, but Pence is a politician and can be managed. He knows the processes and doesn't always agree with the president. Get rid of the president and he'll still be awful but not delusional.
And if President Trump leaves early it might not be from impeachment; he's 70 years old, and being the President is an extremely tolling job, so he might end up resigning due to poor health.