Yaknow, speaking of which the good thing about this site is that we get to socialize with so many people from so many other countries and also learn some of their ways.
The phrase "It's all Greek to me" dates back to scribes writing in Latin, and said scribe might come across some non-Latin text. Then he would note "Graecum est; non legitur" because anything scholarly that wasn't in Latin was assumed to be Greek. By the time Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar it was pretty well known, but his usage cemented it into English usage so much that using grey bars to signify lines of text is called "greeking" by graphic designers.
@Sarsey as I understand it, the phrase came from the Austro-Hungarian empire, as slavic languages are so different from German that it was a way of saying it was some incomprehensible language. Basically like saying "It's like being in a town that speaks Czech, not German, so I don't understand a word." Of course, it works the other way round, as the Slavic word for German ("Niemcy") meant "nonsense talkers".
I actually appreciate how "I only understand 'train station'" changes the focus: instead of saying "they are speaking nonsense" it says "I do not understand, my vocabulary is nigh nonexistent in that language."
@Fnordius Just a small correction, the slavic words for germans don't mean "nonsense talkers", they mean "mute people". Also, Slavic isn't a language, it's a language group, you example is from Polish.
@Hinoron my english isn't that good... So i'm always afraid with german nazi lol.. Only here i can learn english with fun and no one know me in real life ...
(Hinoron shrugs and puts on his Teacher's hat.)
"My english isn't that good, so I'm always afraid of Grammar Nazis! lol! Only here can I learn English for fun, and no one will know me from real life! "
@Zuperkrunch Another trick question : if I can read this, does that mean I'm fluent in english ? Or can you still read a word fine even if you have problems understanding the whole phrase ?
@Isdaril whatever.. Are u new? Hmm.. Still had made 9 comments.. If u're that weird "karlmarx" guy again... Just want u to know that from now on i will ignoring u.. :P
@Zuperkrunch Just discovered this amazing webcomic not long ago... Not so sure I know what you mean by "weird Karl Marx guy", but I guess I'm not him. Did I answer to one of your posts ? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to find those back...