Okeeej... Sweden is late for Lucia, Finland is still trying to get people to believe that Santa lives in Finland, Norway is dressed like an reindeer with some Christmas decorations in its horns, Iceland are doing that doll thing & Denmark is drinking Christmas beer? I think I’m right about Sweden & Iceland & kinda Norway & Finland (but in another way) xD
Norway is not Krampus, we don't have him up here. He is Yule Goat or Julebukk in Norwagian. https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julebukk
"I dag har tradisjonen med «å gå julebukk» utviklet seg til en lek for barn som kler seg ut i romjula, på nyttårsaften eller 13. dag jul (helligtrekongersdag), går fra dør til dør, synger julesanger og får godteri og julekaker som belønning.[8] Skikken var tidligere utbredt i hele Norden og Baltikum, men er nå i hovedsak bare levende i Norge."
Today, the tradition of "going Yule Goat" has evolved into a game for children, who dress up during Christmas, on New Year's Eve or 13th day of Christmas, going from door to door, singing carols and are given sweets and christmas cakes as reward. The custom was previously widespread throughout the Nordic and Baltic countries, but is now mainly only alive in Norway.
He is so cool...lol..