Я решила предоставить Норвегии и Дании возможность соприкоснуться головами вместо того, чтобы устраивать им сеанс обнимания, так как последнее выглядит невероятно глупо ввиду маленьких тел и огромных голов персонажей.
Так или иначе, я как-то обсуждала с моим знакомым датчанином вопрос о том, какие обидные имена придумала каждая из стран Скандинавии для другой, и оказалось, что, по какой-то непонятной причине, датчане не придумали обидного имени для своего главного «врага» — шведов. Но мы пришли к выводу, что само слово «шведы» уже несёт в себе достаточно обидный для шведов оттенок
Some of my friends were eating over at my house one day and we were having meatballs, and one of my friends said "Oh my God I love meatballs." And instead of doing the obvious thing and making a sex joke her boyfriend said "You Swede (Din Svensker)" And I've never seen someone look so offended
one of the meanest words danes have for norwegians are "swedes". it usely not that common used since we danes dont want to be that brutal to norwegians.
but what do norwegians call swedes and danes? or are they just too sweet to have their own derogatory terms? ='p
it feels like norway is the canada of the north XD
I remember a conversation I had with a woman from New York, USA, who had come up to Canada for work and so she could get married to her ladyfriend (this being a while before USA finally got around to making gay marriage legal). She was... hmm... very stereotypical of Italian descended New Yorkers; the accent, the constant gesturing... A colourful character with a lot of personality, you could say.
Anyway, the conversation went like this:
She: "So whatdya call EYE-talians up here anyway?"
Me (after a confused pause): "We... call them Italians."
She: "No, but, when you wanna be rude to them? Like a racial slur!"
Me (completely serious): "Why would we ever want to do that?" She stared at me in total incomprehension for almost a full minute. Finally...
She: "....Canadians..." (Shaking her head)
Fun as it was watching her head almost explode... I wasn't kidding. I was in my late 20s at the time and didn't know any racial slurs for Italians, along with quite a few other ethnic groups. I'm 40 now and still aren't very familiar with quite a lot of the ones that are apparently used in the USA (New York in particular). The rarer ones, at least.
Like... I honestly don't know what a mick, a spick, or a gook, are. I've heard the words thrown around by Americans, but haven't a clue who they refer to.
Once again, I'm 40 now, and I live in Canada. We don't have a lot of use for racial slurs on the whole, but at least I know what the common (American) ones ARE.
@FinlandIsBestEver Yanks and Yankees aren't mean names
(expect for Southerners)
and Englishman is only a mean name if you call the Scots, Welsh, and Northern Irish that too that's like calling someone from Texas a New Yorker, or vice versa
sure you can call the Engish, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish all British as a collective term for the UK like how you can call someone from both Texas or New Yorker American but you can't call everyone in the UK, Englishmen
russia one is actually mean but honestly kind of funny
Want to learn a funny story about the word Yankee? its true origin is unknown but the most common theory it was English settlers making fun of the Dutch settlers who liked to eat cheese in the 1600s then fast forward to the American Revolution the British army made up a song called "Yankee Doodle Dandy" to mock the American patriots and pro-independence and it somehow became an American patriotic song
we took a song meant to humiliate us and made it for our own
imagine making a song to mock your enemy and they took it and spun it around to be positive