Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


Во время пребывания в Англии, я заметила, что англичане приносят миллион извинений и чуть ли не сходят с ума от ужаса, стоит им просто коснуться моего мизинца. Поначалу я думала, что, может быть, я чем-то отпугиваю людей, но позже мне объяснили, что англичане, мягко говоря, чувствуют себя до жути неуютно, если им случается касаться людей, которых они не очень хорошо знают.

Я побывала на выставках во многих странах, но англичане оказались единственными в своём роде, кто предпочёл обнимашкам скромное рукопожатие

England Denmark
2nd March 2012
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9 years ago #9503359        

Haha, but here in England, we consider it weird to hug or touch people we don't know. However, we would thank the bus drivers. On the other hand, there's no way I could kiss or hug someone I'm meeting up with (even friends), though I would do that with my family or someone who was leaving (but only a hug).

7 years ago #9745011        

In Denmark we aren't to fussy about not touching people. But we will avoid sitting next to another person we don't know at all cost. Especially on public transportation or in public spaces. To go and sit directly next to someone when there is other seats available is considered to be weird and strange. Unless you know the person of course.

7 years ago #9711788        

and we just handchage. we don´t do hugs. the only ones that get´s hugs in our country is beloved or the family. NO ONE ELSE!

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8 years ago #9683985        

England, where women get pregnant from a single touch of a man.

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8 years ago #9649895        

Sounds like England is the place to go! Though I suppose it's similar here in Germany...
I'm not a fan of touching people xP
Hugging is awkward, but the worst thing is French greeting with the kisses... THE HORROR! How does anyone do that voluntarily? With strangers???

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8 years ago #9558667        

Is it possible to be both? I don't mind people touching me, ehhhh that sounded wrong, but I'm seriously like England if I ever touch another person... even if it's a friend ^_^

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3 years ago #9865149        

This is what I feel when I accidentally touch someone-

6 years ago #9818063        

in canada we apologize for everything

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8 years ago #9666481        

We aren't very touchy in my family, maybe just the quick side hug at most. It's nice where I'm from then because people don't even pay attention to one another. If you accidentally touch someone, just say a quiet "sorry" and move away. That might just be me though because other people will just ignore me. I'm just too nice, my brother makes fun of me for it. Calls me a Canadian (nothing wrong with that, we just hear about super nice Canadians).

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8 years ago #9591843        

I'm like England

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