Typically, Denmark makes bigger, but softer cheeses. The string version is typically greater at spanning more cheese, but unles it's reinforced, you should never use a string cheese cutter on a hard cheese. Many Danes, however, use the "Norwegian" one, for peeling the the outer layer off of the softer cheese.
@QaRajhCreations Yes. The norwegian one will often just make small fluff instead of a even piece, and a knife cannot make anything thinner than 4mm. I've used all 3 depending of what I needed.
I've seen both kinds for sale in Canada, though the wire one didn't stick around very long (people found the wire's snapped off after a while).
To be honest with you though, though I've used both in different kitchens at times, in my own, I just use a knife.
Lets me choose how thick I want to cut the cheese, depending on what I'm putting the cheese on. Easier to clean.
@Hinoron The wire one is very good on danish harvarti and danbo types. The norwegian one often only scrape small rolled up strings off and you cannot get anything thinner than 4mm with a knife.
Um... I absolutely CAN slice thinner than 4mm with a knife. Typically if I want to melt the cheese, I cut to around 2mm.
...Then again, I'm usually working with Old Cheddar, which is a pretty firm cheese. It would be more difficult with softer varieties.
@EricTheRedAndWhite Oh, Yea det hved jeg^^ jeg har bare aldrig prøvet at bruge en før og de ser lidt forvirrende ud til mig men tak for informationen xD