Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Pretty Swastika

Pretty Swastika

I just ran some text through the Babelfish translator, so I hope the German in the comic is complete nonsense. :XD:

Many people have asked me, “On what side was Denmark doing World War II?” and the anwser is that you will get different answers depending on who you ask, even within Denmark, because Denmark’s way of handling the situation was rather unconventional.

Nazi Germany saw Denmark as one of the most aryan countries in the world, and decided to do a “friendly invasion” so that Denmark wouldn’t fall into the hands of the enemy. Denmark was shit scared of Nazi Germany after what had happened to Poland and we were well aware that we couldn’t fight them. But we knew that the Nazis liked us, so what Denmark did was this: We quickly shipped 99% of the country’s Jews off to Sweden where they would be safe, then (sort of) fought the Germans for two hours to show the rest of the world that we weren’t completely on their side, before just giving up and letting them march in.
We then proceeded to treat the soldiers as nice as possible, hoping that Hitler would be kind to us if we behaved. Denmark even became known as the “whipped cream front” among the Germans because we were so nice, and it was every German soldier’s dream to be sent to Denmark were they didn’t have to fight or fear for their life.

So it’s no wonder Denmark was often called Nazi friendly.

And Sweden of course weren’t completely passive doing the way, and did help their surrounding countries a little thought the war (helping Jews anyone?). I just thought it would be funnier like this. :D

Germany Norway Nazi Germany Poland Sweden Denmark
8th November 2009
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10 years ago #9422681        

I translated what Nazi Germany said;
You coward! Do they have no spine! Stand straight! Stop screaming! You are pathetic!

7 years ago #9751245        

Did you know? The Ice cream brand Häagen-Dazs was created by a Jewish man after WWII. He gave it the Danish-sounding name to honour the Danes' exceptional treatment of the Jewish people during the war. In fact, on some early containers, a map of Denmark was included on the label.

8 years ago #9588201        

"your hair is to die for"
I can easily see Nazi Germany making a blonde wig identical to Denmark's and wearing it around.

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7 years ago #9745110        

Awww...Poland looks so scared ;-;

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7 years ago #9729491        

Sweden was a good brother, how about Norway? Is he neutral too? image

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9 years ago #9463990        

"Sie" in Deutsch is the formal way of saying you. Considering the situation, it probably would have made more sense to use the informal "du" instead.

"Du bist pathetisch!"

1 year ago #9880283        

Sie feigling! Haben sie kein Dorn! Standplatz gerade! Stoppen Sie zu schreien! Sie sind pathetisch... old dummy Polish Texan!!! Polish Texan still big fat LOSER :yes:

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3 years ago #9863569        

No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! Wait a minute... ARE YOU GUYS LISTENING??!! NO WAR!!!!!

4 years ago #9862015        

Wow Dennmark, you sure were a little bitch XD

Though in all fairness I do think they handled the situation rather well. I often say it's a world leaders job to defend their country, and since Dennmark couldn't win against Nazi Germany the best way of defending Dennmarks population was to send away 99% of the Danish jews and to surrender and be nice. The Danes did the best they could, considering their situation.

6 years ago #9805443        

It's unfortunate that the Nazis used the symbol for divinity as their emblem of conquest and cruelty.

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