Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Sacred Animal

Sacred Animal

At a previous convention some fans told me about their family visiting England and taking photos of *rare* animals.

Sister England then visited Australia and took photos of Kangaroos.

Speaking of conventions: some of the SatW team will be at the MCM London Comic Con and at the London Film & Comic Con.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny
Dayvi Japan England Cars Jenny Sister Japan
4th April 2018
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7 years ago #9750017        

Many a camera-wielding tourist in Southern Finland has been disappointed to learn that reindeer do not roam around every corner in Finland, and in order to see them, you'd have to travel to Lapland.
So they settle for something even rarer, and start snapping pictures of smiling and/or sober Finns.

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7 years ago #9749679        

I guess nature and animals are exotic when you live in one of the most urbanised nations on Earth. If nature is what they like they are welcome to visit us in northern Sweden, we have little else than nature.

7 years ago #9749664        

Very, very true. Like, seriously. I live in an area of countryside just outside of Manchester, and the number of Japanese tourists who stop to take pictures of trees, animals or just anything. No joke, I literally saw a tourist take a picture of a fence post. I've even had a few pictures with Japanese tourists before.

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7 years ago #9749644        

I thought India will be in the picture. Cows are sacred animals in India.

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4 years ago #9859243        

Japanese cows are very uniform in colouration.
Be honest now; if you saw a squirrel or a pigeon or some other very common local animal of yours with a sharply white%black mottled pattern like a Holstein cow, you'd probably take a picture of it too.

7 years ago #9784803        

It's amazing to me there are places where there aren't cows. I've spent practically my entire life surrounded by cow fields. You can't go on a road trip in Kentucky without seeing at least a dozen fields of cows and the occasional horse or goat.
They are pretty cute though, in a weird way.

7 years ago #9749660        

People like me rarely see a live cow, sheep or chicken so when ever I see a live cow when overseas I get excited especially near my university campus.
I am Singaporean by the way and currently studying overseas.

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6 years ago #9799309        

The tourists come to Rovaniemi to take pics of reindeer while people who live in lapland are like "only thing reindeer is good for is food and car crashes" I actually got slapped by a random american girl when she was fangirling over a few reindeer that only good thing about reindeer is the meat. It was worth it tho. I shall remember her expession for forever.

7 years ago #9764746        

We have Americans doing that up in Scotland too, except I guess our coos are cooler. They're ginger. And more grumpy. And horny. Hey, just like-

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7 years ago #9756368        

I have nothing nonracist in my mind about this

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