Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Sauna for a king

Sauna for a king

A Burger King in Finland has a sauna in it because of course it does.

All the American fastfood chains had to make some major changes to their recipes to be allowed into the Nordic countries. Burger King definitely isn't the worst offender. So be warned if you ever visit a Nordic country and craves fastfood: it's more healthy here but also more expensive because not only are the restaurants expected to use better ingredients but they also have to pay their employees proper wages.

Sweden Denmark Norway Finland
28th December 2018
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6 years ago #9805368        

"A Burger King in Finland has a sauna in it because of course it does."

Let me rephrase that for you:

"A sauna in Finland has a Burger King in it because of course it does."

You're welcome.

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6 years ago #9804959        

"the restaurants expected to use better ingredients but they also have to pay their employees proper wages."

So, you're saying it's pretty much better in almost every way possible?

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6 years ago #9804844        

Sweden didn't even need to look at Finland to know what he asked for.

6 years ago #9808223        

Sweden apparently can tell what Finland wants without even looking? Is that how he understands Finland when no one else does, he has some sort of mind-sensing thing?

6 years ago #9805215        

Finland, Finland, Finland, the country where I quite want to be...

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6 years ago #9804849        

a friend of mine used to work at mcdonalds and hated it. she and i watched a documentary about fast food workers in denmark and all the differences between here and there. she wanted to move to denmark after that...

6 years ago #9808702        

Fun fact: The meat in Wendy's chili is actually the hamburgers that have dried out and while edible, aren't suitable to serve to a customer-that doesn't stop some from making it out to the front counter,though-, and set aside in a metal bin in a heated drawer,and when said bin is full, it's covered in water and microwaved for ten minutes, then chopped. The quality of said chopper varies thanks to the work ethic of whoever is tasked with the chili meat, and can result in either whole patties ending up in the batch or finely minced meat that looks indistinguishable from ground beef,though it's usually somewhere in the middle. The meat also stores for up to a week in the walk in.
Source:I work at one

6 years ago #9805861        

....i must go to this burger king


6 years ago #9805422        

I never noticed much difference between US and Norwegian Burger Kings, except for using slightly different batter on their onion rings (I could be wrong, but it sure LOOKED like most of the Norwegian ones actually had a few whole kernels of corn attached.) You're absolutely right that it's MUCH more expensive there than in the US, but what ISN'T (answer: Gasoline.) But the flip side is I earned a higher wage as an entry level temporary worker in Norway than most of the managers I've worked under in the US, and don't have to meet a four-figure deductible before my insurance actually starts working.

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6 years ago #9804931        

I know. Finland actually has a motherfucking Burger king restaurant with a sauna. It's in Helsinki. There is also a big TV in the sauna, so you can watch hockey. And after sauna, you can continue watching the game from an even bigger tv. Or play with PS4. If yoy pay extra, you can keep the Burger King towel/bathrobe.

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