Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Swedish Politics

Swedish Politics

The political climate in Sweden. It sucks at the moment.

Time for an explanation. Sweden recently got a new party voted into parliament, Sverigedemokraterna. They are known as an extremely “immigrant suspicious” party, and having them in the parliament does not suit the Swedes who have always proudly proclaimed themselves to be the least racist Scandinavian country. Especially Denmark has been called the big racists of the North because of their party Dansk Folkeparti.

Sverigedemokraterna are often compared to Dansk Folkeparti, and therefore the Swedes goes back and forth between calling Sverigedemokraterna a Danish party, and a Nazi party.

That of course got the attention of the Danes, because they felt they were being called Nazis, so they followed the election closely, and when Sverigedemokraterna got voted in, the “MUWAHAHAHA!!! Who are the nazis now, bitches!!?!” from the Danes could be heard all the way to Greenland. :XD:

And it can still be heard whenever some Danish specialist in Swedish politics is on the news and have to explain what is going on. It’s so hilariously obvious that they are enjoying this chaos waaay too much. :XD:

Norway Denmark Scania Sweden
6th October 2010
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8 years ago #9630706        

*Denmark gets cornered*

England : "That's MY monocle."
France : "That's MY cigarette holder."
Iceland "That's MY soul-eating kitty."

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10 years ago #9401384        

Latest metro poll shows 25.1% would vote for them... but yeah blame Scania :P

Maybe if people weren't so terrified of discussing immigration policy the Sweden Democrats wouldn't have a monopoly on the issue...

7 years ago #9752160        

funny how for Swedes "danish" and "nazi" are just as insulting.

8 years ago #9567526        

I can understand that people are suspicious and afraid of the immigrants from the Middle East, and that it might be a big problem in the near future. Me myself have gotten annoyed with those who sit outside of stores begging for money, but I still want to help them in some way. We can help them in other ways than what Sverigedemokraterna wants. To drive them out of the country and just let them survive on their own, I don't think so. They have suffered and traveled a long way from a place where war is constantly going on, and where they wouldn't stay safe one second. It is so much better if we help those poor refugees, and show that we really are what a human being is supposed to be. Life on Earth would be a better place if we all respected and loved every each and one of the population. We all are the same species, even if we have whatever skin color or whatever hair color etc.
Don't let people like Sverigedemokraterna or definitely Donald Trump rule our countries with their racist, sexist and overall disgusting comments and opinions. if you are about to vote, or are going to vote in the next years, please be careful and research who you are thinking of voting for. Otherwise you'll never really know what kind of person that man or woman really is.

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9 years ago #9480214        



8 years ago #9619152        


9 years ago #9464541        

How's that multiculturalism working out for you these days?

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7 years ago #9719807        

My dearest Sweden, do not fight it, embrace your salvation. Here is a party that will finally lead you along the path that will finally bring you back to being a country that is dictated by logic rather then emotion, the Social Democrats and all the others will only lead you down the path to a slow but sure destruction.

It is truly delightful to see that third largest party in Sweden actually propose a sensible, secure, and sustainable immigration policy. I never knew you had it in you Sweden.

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7 years ago #9719551        

yes, omg that was a hard time. and they are still trying to make us vote for them! They are so racist and... GAAAH! I really hate them! I hope they better just stop soon!

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8 years ago #9620374        

How do you even pronounce all of these

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