Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
The Napoleon War

The Napoleon War

Never mess with a neat-freak!

This is the main reason why Norway and Denmark still feel a bit funny about Sweden even today. HISTORY TIME!

The Napoleon war was basically with France one on side and England on the other, with each of them having a number of countries supporting them. At the beginning most countries supported France, and Sweden was one of the few who supported England from the very beginning.
As the war went on, more and more countries left France and went over to England, with Denmark as one of the very few who stayed with France to the bitter end.

When England won, Denmark was of course seen as one of the big loosers who deserved to be punished for staying on the "evil" side, so it was seen as only fair that Sweden got Norway. The Danes were ready to just give in and get it over with, but the Dane who had been put in charge of Norway suggested that they allowed Norway to break loose from Denmark instead. That way Sweden couldn’t touch them.

Denmark agreed to do this, and Norway finally got it’s own constitution. But that didn’t stop Sweden. When they were told Denmark could no longer hand Norway over, Sweden simply invaded Norway and took it by force. That was the last war between the Scandinavian countries.

You gotta' love how Sweden went from being one of the "good guys" to being a jerk. History is fun like that. :XD:

Norway Denmark Sweden
22nd October 2009
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8 years ago #9583095        

NOBODY messes up Sweden's seating plans!

7 years ago #9776726        

I just love how you can learn History with SatW

7 years ago #9729486        

Everyone loves Norway.. image

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6 years ago #9800285        

My grandma is a neat freak.
She HATES it when guest cancel just before something like Christmas.
She makes people who were supposed to sit next to the people who cancel bring an extra guest, just so nobody messes up her seating plan. That's the story of how my cousin ended up bringing his girlfriend (Who didn't speak Swedish, and therefore could talk to absolutely NOBODY but him, me, and our siblings) to a family Christmas dinner.

7 years ago #9745106        

Never EVER play with a Swedes seating plan. Or ANY plan for that matter. Believe me i know

8 years ago #9603225        

Sweden: oh so you don't wanna sit there oh well PREPARE TO DIE
Norway: oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit

8 years ago #9601769        

Denmark on his way to lose so much territory.

8 years ago #9555575        

dang, Sweden got serious. A sword, a gun, AND all caps. Somebody's got anger issues.


9 years ago #9491217        

Napoleon you bastiid!

9 years ago #9487091        

Nobody messes with Sweden's seating plans! XD

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