Yeah, we don't get a lot of sun up here in the North so the government makes sure to inform immigrants and women who wear veils that they need to take vitamin D supplements.
Yeah. Even if one piece of toast is a bit more burnt than the other, it's still perfectly edible. The taste might confuse you and seem weird at first, but in the end, it's still toast.
@Lord_Skata Well-toasted test with a healthy layer of not-quite-char is absolutely delightful. Under-toasted toast is gross... and white bread is best bread? It tastes like cake without the sugar, yet has basically the same nutritional value as cake... I'll take unbleached "wheat" breads any day, lol.
@Mnjooschji Yeah. Even if some people keep their racism a bit more subtle than others, they still racist. Their words might confuse you and they may seem a bit liberal, but in the end, they are racist as a Texan! -_-
@crwydryny It's that light-grey patch in the clouds during that bit of night that's a wee bit less dark than the two bits of really dark night before and after them.
@OnlyByFire I agree, but as our God "the Flying Spaggheti Monster" made the World to look like it originated millions of years ago, it just keeps scientists running wild theories.
This Comic speaks to me on a personal level. Today my significant otter and I went on a canoe trip down a local river; her, being small framed and dark skinned, had a wonderful time and was warm(for, quite possibly the first time in her life). I, being fair haired and fair skinned now have a glowing, radiant aura about my entire presence. It was a wonderful day and one I will very soon repeat....with sunscreen....and a bigger hat.