Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


Australia is a rather adventurous, laidback country, who was first seen riding a wombat on a surfboard. He (and his sister) have been in many comics and even starred in one animation. He is generally liked by everyone but was a troublemaker for his father, England, in his early years. In 2015 he participated in Eurovison, admiring Sweden's performance.

Sister Australia is good friends with Denmark due to him letting her be the Danish Princess.

When Australia gets lost in his outback, a series of progressively crazier events occur.

Australia is very strict when it comes to things being brought into his country. He berated China for bringing in an apple and banned him from Australia.

In the animations, Sister Australia is voiced by Aimee Smith.

Last edited: 8 years ago | By: Medktz_2