Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

North Pole

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North Pole is a silent female character with relatively pale skin; white, waist-length, braided hair; and blue eyes. Because the actual north pole is not, in fact, a country, there is no official flag to represent it. Humon makes up for this fact by garbing her character in an all-white shirt.

North Pole made her debut in the comic Climate Conference in Copenhag. Sweden mentions that she has recently won the lottery (according to Humon, this is an allusion to the recent discovery of oil near the north pole) and "become less of an ice-queen" (a reference to global warming), leading to the conclusion that she is typically standoffish. This supposition is reinforced in a comic entitled Merry Christmas, in which she appears in a blue Santa hat only to scowl menacingly at the Nordic states and America.

Last edited: 10 years ago | By: Danmark