Dear People out in the internet,
Not all Americans are like that,
unfortunately most are (insert face-palm here)
though some of us are really nice and actually do pay
attention to the other countries/continents/Cities/etc...
Yours truly
-Smart American
I think it's more accurate to say they have a hard time with "freedom" in general.
Basically they just like the sound of the word, and not thinking too hard about the definition.
They actually refer to it as "The School-to-Prison-Pipeline".
Funny thing; if you treat kids like criminals for their entire childhood, whether they've committed any real crimes or not, there's not much incentive left to live a law-abiding life by the time they're adults.
I have a lengthy list of reasons I'd never want to live in the USA. Schools comprise about 3-4 reasons just by themselves (were I to have children).
Comic predates The Orange Disaster by a good two years.
Canada here has been living next to Obama's America for a good 6 years by that point, so he's fairly positive.
I think Obama raised everyone's opinion of the USA while he was in office. You could call that his best legacy, if not for the fact that it didn't last much more than, like, a day or two beyond him. >_>
As an American, this is kinda accurate.
Most of the Americans I know find dick jokes hilarious (despite being grossed out by *actual* penises.)