Do Danish priests really ask that question? Is it during the wedding ceremony? That seems like a potential disaster for... well... pretty much exactly this reason. Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to!
"At this time, before God, the church congregation, and all your assembled family members, as well as your new family you hope to join, truthfully testify if you have had other sexual relations aside from your groom before this wedding?"
"Weeell, let's see... there was his brother... his best friend... his father... his mother that one time I was drunk... oh yes, and YOU, Reverend Father. I bet you thought I slept right through it that night at bible camp, didn't you, you pervert-pastor! Tee hee!"
Anyone else feel like the trio of ladies on the youtube link seem to also physically represent SATW's representation of the countries (if I'm assuming the order they sing the song is Danish-Swedish-Norwegian)?
@ThickerOrc Are you sure? Because the last one used the Norwegian work for "me". I think that the second one is the Swedish one, but that she has a Swedish accent that sounds weird.