Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


This is the postcard seen in the Wish you were here comic.

Sweden France Japan Italy England Sister France Germany America Norway Denmark Sister Japan
20th April 2015
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10 years ago #9397397        

Germany is a much nicer tourist now when he uses his passport instead of his tank when he wants to go abroad.

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10 years ago #9352050        

Now for (non)helpful advice from the countries when traveling.

America: always have sunglass so if you make a fool of yourself and trust me you will they won't recognize you in the future :p make sure you take plenty of pictures you never know if you'll need them in court. :0

Germany: Rsearch is very important especially researching BEACHES <3 the sandier the better. <3 <3

Italy: Go to countries that will let you work on your sweet tan, let you drink all you want and has plenty of sexy ladies <3 ;)

England: never travel with a French woman (or man), she'll over pack! and complain about you getting them lost >:/

France: never travel with an Englishman all he'll do is complain about your luggage of the most essential and refuse to admit he doesn't know where he's going!

England: I do too know where I'm going! >:0

Denmark/Norway/Sweden: If you get lost just find the nearest bar and drink a lot then you'll be too drunk to care hiccup

Japan and Sister Japan: click snap click snap kawaii :ohcute:

8 years ago #9609091        

Fun Fact for people who don't live in America but are planning on going to places like New York City, New Orleans, etc on vacation:
Please tip 15%-20% of the total cost of your meal at any restaurant. I know it sounds like a lot, but the minimum wage in America is $7.25 an hour. Most waiters and waitresses make their almost all of their money off of tips. My sister (who's a waitress) tells me about tourists from places like Canada (where the minimum wage is actually something a person can live off of) who tip horribly by American standards. However, this one guy asked her what should he tip, and he gasped in shock and a bit of terror when she mentioned the minimum wage as why you should tip 15%-20%.

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9 years ago #9450533        

Aww, the Japanese are so cute. We need this postcard in the shop! Please?

9 years ago #9425321        

Humon, you genius, you should let us buy this as real postcards in the store.

7 years ago #9726473        

As a German you never forget your towel. It's very important to mark your territory xD

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8 years ago #9687552        

I guess taking pictures of everything is Japanese culture???

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10 years ago #9415637        

Texans abroad always become very obnoxiously, proudly Texan (and compare literally everything to Texas, with the other said thing coming out bad) or are very meek and careful with their words so that it doesn't sound like they are *too* Texan. Texas is basically a more American America.

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11 months ago #9881140        

thank you for england and france bickering

3 years ago #9872177        

denmark swe and nor are me and my squad when but instead of drunk cuz of beer its cuz of water

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