Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Santa is a...

Santa is a...

Everybody knows Santa’s sledge is pulled by reindeer, lives somewhere cold and even the Finns say he lives in Lapland.

In other words, Santa is a Sami. Just look at this and deal with it.

The Sami people are the “Indians” of the North and they belong in the same group as Native Americans and Aboriginals. They live in Lapland, an area that stretches from north Norway over Sweden and Finland to Russia.

I would have liked there to be more characters in the comic, but I don’t have a lot of time to draw today, so this will have to do.

Lapland Finland Sami Denmark
24th December 2010
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6 years ago #9797779        

The Saami share very, very little East Asian ancestry with the Inuit, and that was from very late waves of invader/settlers. The Saami are not and never were the same as the First Peoples of America or the polar people of the Old World. They are a distinct group with strong Northern European Hunter-Gatherer ancestry mixed with Ancient North Eurasian, much like the rest of the Nordic areas. They only lack much of an Anatolian Early Farmer component (common in southern Europe) or the Caucasus Hunter Gatherer component that was a major part of the Indo-European peoples, who were Caucasus Hunter Gatherer, Northern European Hunter Gatherer, and Ancient North Eurasian with a small side order of Anatolian Early Farmer.

The Inuit and related groups of North America are racially distinct from other First Peoples, as well. They are quite late arrivals from Siberia, and they have a Han Chinese component that other First Peoples don't have. Other First Peoples are a mixture of Ancient North Eurasian and Early East Asian and are much more closely related to Polynesians and Taiwanese than to Han Chinese. The bits of these people who stayed in the Old World mixed heavily with the Northern Han at a later point, and that new Siberian people came and wiped out the existing First Peoples in the New World and spread across most of the northern latitudes to lightly--and I mean lightly--mix with the Saami people who were had been living in the polar regions for several thousand years.

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8 years ago #9678302        

We need more comics of this guy! Sami is SOOO underrated!

8 years ago #9559832        

Santa is from Lapland, Finland.

7 years ago #9733623        

Santa is chinese.. Everything made in china..image image image

8 years ago #9556028        

Technically, St Nicholas came from Turkey. But Santa... Well... he lives in the imaginations of the beautiful children...

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8 years ago #9546252        

The Samis are relatives of Finns and Estonians. Love you, Samis!

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10 years ago #9360930        

The "Indians" of the North? Hmm… I don't know if I would call it that but yeah xD


10 years ago #9327440        

@Kylis155 Both Finns and Sami are Finno-Ugric people, you are related, distantly, but related.

4 years ago #9851526        

Technically, Turkey is historically correct. The character that most versions of Santa are based off of (Saint Nikolaus) was originally born in Turkey.

6 years ago #9793789        

For consideration, when mailing letters to Santa, according to the Post Office in Canada, he DOES have an official address with Postal Code,
H0H 0H0. Nunavut is pretty vast and empty. Just the way Santa Claus wants you to think.

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