Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
A Human Endeavour

A Human Endeavour

Old news, but my favourite comment on the story was by an American who said exactly that.


Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Jenny.
Jenny Dayvi America China
4th September 2018
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6 years ago #9815511        

If China sent a rover to the moon that was specifically sent to knock down the American flag, I feel like America would spend billions of dollars to send people back up to re-erect the flag. As an American I see this happening, I can already picture the headlines.

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6 years ago #9787371        

I like how the robot is a rabbit, so they finally can have their "rabbit on the moon".

6 years ago #9787224        

A German moon rover would not have had a mechanical breakdown.

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6 years ago #9791546        


6 years ago #9787355        

Don't worry, the Chinese are about to land another lander on the moon in December 2018, the Chang'e-4. And this time, it'll be on the far side of the moon, too boot. They already have two small communication satellites, the Longjiang 1 and 2 who are orbiting the moon to provide a telemetry relay and they've already released a number of photographs of Earth with a view not seen from the Apollo missions.

Couple that with the fact NASA is planning to build a permanent space station in Lunar orbit, the " Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway" (originally the "Deep Space Gateway" it was renamed by the US orange potato-in-chief who didn't like the name) in the 2020s and that the first manned flight of the Orion capsule, the "Exploration Mission 2", in 2023 will also be a lunar flyby (originally it was a mission to rendezvous with a 4-meter boulder from an asteroid bought to lunar orbit by the "Asteroid Redirect Mission", cancelled courtesy of the same orange potato) and the fact both SpaceX and Blue Origin have their own lunar plans for the 2020s, and I think we have a new moon race on our hand.

Our species can only benefit from it, as we're waay behind on the space exploration stuff and we currently still have our (metaphorical) eggs in the same basket, a blue marble of a basket we've been callously making more and more hostile to our own survival through mindless consumption, short-termism and just plain laziness...

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6 years ago #9793696        

heh heh

6 years ago #9789069        


6 years ago #9787675        

So the very same people in the USA that want to kill NASA and support the idea of a Space Force are the ones losing their mind over that the movie First Man does not show the astronauts planting the US flag on the moon. The star of the movie, Ryan Gosling explained that even Armstrong believed that what he, his crew and NASA had done transcended mere nationality but that it was a human endeavor. Lets us hope we can get those troglodytes who are living in the 19th century out of power so that we can all soar fully into the 21st.

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6 years ago #9787521        

Dear Brother China: Don't despair! Consider this: You're now a part of a very exclusive club, and we welcome you to it. What you have done is an enormous achievement, and we expect even greater achievements from you in the future. You haven't failed, and your achievement inspires everyone to greater efforts. It will take all of us to win the stars. The goal is too lofty for a single person, family, tribe, or nation to reach. Remember: the whole idea of rockets originated in China. If other nations and cultures have leapfrogged over that technology it is only to inspire China to leap themselves, and help us all to get one step closer to the goal.

Nobody can rest on the achievements of other people. We all have to take our own steps and learn our own lessons, otherwise we may miss lessons that other people didn't have the chance to learn.

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