Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Surprise party

Surprise party

It's just what we've come to expect of you, Russia.

Russia Ukraine Europe
3rd September 2014
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10 years ago #9399322        

i'm supporting Ukraine

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9 years ago #9445961        

That second to last panel needs America in the background yelling 'Called it!' Cause literally, every news channel in the States got obsessed with that whole situation and starting screaming about how it was gonna escalate into WW3 for months before things actually got violent. For some reason, it was big enough news that Ukrainian politics beat out stuff blowing up in the Middle East. For non-Americans, the only things that have ever beaten out explosions in the Middle East for news headlines here are mass murders in American small towns, North Korea pretending it has nukes, and a lottery jackpot worth more than the GDP of most 3rd world nations combined.

9 years ago #9548882        

Meanwhile in Finland: Russia attacked someone? Is it tuesday already?

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10 years ago #9360228        

And here I actually HAD hopes that the cultural and historical information of SatW is correct and educational. Now I have my doubts. Western "verified" sources are a bit different from a history book... I wrote a wall of text for naught about the subject in "Nordic Council" thread as a response, and while I'd like to just copy it as many times as it takes to get the point across, somehow I believe russians will still be "evil drunks" of the world...
Besides, you really should change your stereotypes. Vodka and hats are good, but outdated. Modern russian is the person, who uses russian regardless of situation or environment. Russian game, he asks: "Русские есть?(*Any russians?*)" Non-russian game, he asks: "Наши есть?"(*Any locals here?*)
The hatred towards and nonacceptance of English as the global language is the russian trend now.
It's strange to see that some comics actually were translated to russian, yet on the account page - russians aren't anywhere near the ranked members of the site. So easy that the rest of the world can understand English...

9 years ago #9487630        

Such incompetence in describing the theme. OSCE (if you know what it is, of course, author) had inspected these convoys and not found any kind of weapon.
BTW, it's just stupid to deliver weapons in convoys that are IN PUBLIC OBSERVATION. Russia has other ways to do it, because Ukraine doesn't control border in the area of conflict.

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10 years ago #9395295        

Sucks for the medias tooooooooo!! Just came to know how those celebrities in Western world said "OH it's Russia who shut the plane", "Russia is everything evil"......The piliticals starts to make bullshits without any evidence!!

3 years ago #9873865        

it’s happening again :/

3 years ago #9870823        

Relevant once more.

3 years ago #9869587        

History is repeating itself again. Lol

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6 years ago #9822080        

AND RUSSIA GOT banned from eurovision 2017 in Kiev in UKRAINE

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