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They did their best

They did their best

This was suggested by a woman working in the US military. She noticed that a lot of people who hate participation trophies in the US are against removing confederate statues. Make of that what you want.

31st August 2018
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7 years ago #9786356        

What is worse is that the statues were not put up after the civil war, but much latter, as an FU during a wave civil rights protests.

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7 years ago #9786776        

Look, people. The purpose of Confederate statues is not to honour the war dead -- it's to send a message to Southern blacks, saying, "This is not your land." How do we know this? Because almost all of those statues were put up during the Civil Rights era. Links: and

There was also, directly after Brown vs. Board of Education, a spate of renaming schools (especially majority-black schools) after Confederates.

To everyone who says, "Well, why don't they just put the statues in museums?" -- those statues are cheap, mass-produced crap that's not worth putting in a museum. Notice how, in the videos of people pulling down Confederate statues, they fold like taffy? There's a reason for that:

Oh, also? The Civil War was about slavery. How do we know this? Because each state's Articles of Secession says so. The ones that don't say it baldly say they're seceding because of "states' rights"... but when you read further to see which rights, it turns out that it was the "state's right" to own slaves. Some links:

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7 years ago #9786699        

...We tried statues removal several times in Russia. Firstly the Tsar statues. Then the Stalin statues. Then the Lenin statues.

And you know what?

It never helped to solve anything.

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7 years ago #9786475        

That moment when a Danish webcomic author knows what's happening at a university in North Carolina (I'm from the rival school).

And yes, Confederate monuments are history that remind us of the US South's ugly past, which lasted well after the Civil War. As such, monuments like these belong in a museum. They're nothing but symbols that some Southerners can't suck it up and get over that they lost the war and they can't own slaves anymore, even when they tell their opponents to get over that an orange is now president. Remind me again, who are the snowflakes?

It's a harsh reality, so do tell me again about how big and tough you are when you still can't get over it 150 years later.

And just in case non-Americans get worried, these people are a minority. Most people, at least here in North Carolina, know their history.

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6 years ago #9814641        

Hooookay, looks to be a lot of "Lost Cause" revisionism, that insidious pseudohistory that claims the American Civil War was about States' Rights, repression, or anything other than slavery, going on in here. So let's set the record straight; the Civil War was about slavery, period.
And don't take my word for it, look at the declarations on the matter from Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia, South Carolina, and Texas, the backbone of the Confederacy. Every one of them names as an immediate cause for the war the threat posed to "the institution of negro slavery."
Maybe y'all live in an egalitarian paradise but my white ass lives in a zipcode where racism and discrimination are a real problem for real people every bloody day and this "Lost Cause" nonsense, propped up in part by these statues dedicated to traitors, comes up constantly in its defense.
Tear 'em down. Tear it all down.

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7 years ago #9786359        

I usually am against knocking over statues. Why? Because usually people do so to wipe out parts of their history. You should be able to see your history no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel. This is different though. These statues were erected very recently. The confederates themselves felt they should not get statues.

“As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated, my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt ... would have the effect of ... continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour." Robert E. Lee

[Edit: Several commenters have pointed out that some of the statues are older memorials for the fallen rather than newer statues glorifying past leaders and generals. Finland descended into madness of civil war in 1918 and there are monuments all across the country to commemorate those who died. Monuments like that have nothing to do with keeping old wounds open and sore. They are about respect for people who had to make an impossible choice and died as a consequence of that choice. I have no objections regarding such monuments. I still maintain that the more recent statues that exist only to rewrite history are a very bad idea.]

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7 years ago #9787154        

Remember when a young bloke went to one dressed in a confederate uniform and saluted the statue. Well as it turns out he was honoring a passed family member. He was told what he did was equal to a hate crime. All because of some statues.

I live in Denmark and this is my take on it: If it's that much of an eyesore to you, then don't look at it.

PS: Also who knows. The dude they made a statue for might have done some amazing shit to the city, don't ruin someones good for the bad they did... unless it's Hitler, ruin him all you want.

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7 years ago #9788037        

Honestly the Confederate Statues should all be torn down. Traitors shouldn't get statues in the country they betrayed.

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7 years ago #9786798        

I think it's due to the historical significance, the Civil War was a major turning point in US History. Besides most of those statues weren't built until the majority of the Confederate Army had died off, so they wouldn't of gotten to enjoy it

7 years ago #9786789        

153 years since the end of the Civil War, and the losing part of the US still can not get past it and move forward. Sad. Very sad.

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