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The Scots voted on their independence, and though they voted no, the no supporters only won with 55,4% making it almost a tie.

No doubt Scotland's feelings for England are complicated.

England Scotland
30th September 2014
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7 years ago #9794306        

Concluding result:
Scotland HATES you.

10 years ago #9388936        

England is kinda the reason that barely anyone speaks Gaelic anymore

10 years ago #9383948        

Well, Doctor Who would have a rough time without Scotland.

7 years ago #9792853        

I hope in the end, Britain will stick together. It has a legacy greater than any other. Even though I am a Latvian, I treat the UK like it's a second home, like I would be a dual-citizen. And some people call the UK a failed state (Yes, there is some failings, like oppresive laws and such.), but in history, we held the mantle of the greatest and massive empire, to ever exist. We were like Rome! And it wasn't English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish: It was British. Let's keep flying the Union Jack, and honouring our legacy, that we had forged! Rule Brittania! Us Britons will never be slaves!

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9 years ago #9495567        

Well, what do ya know? This might happen again after yesterday's Brexit. History might repeat itself, and it hasn't even been 2 years yet.

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10 years ago #9335574        

@stormblade45 I was watching the whole thing unfold from here in the US, rooting for the Yes campaign because it's my belief as a history person that Scotland's been in a 300-year abusive relationship with England and now was the time to get out. I was totally confident that Yes would win, but then London made a whole bunch of promises that they haven't even lifted a finger to make good on since then. It's made me about as mad as you. Edinburgh/Glasgow deserves to be the capital of Scotland.

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4 years ago #9862213        

Scotland loves you, England.
Deep inside he does
but he has to dig deep

8 years ago #9683562        

Can I please point out it would've been no, after close analysis. British people love playing The Petal Game.

10 years ago #9382702        

It seems like they've already messed up, well, Westminister anyway. The support for Independence has sky rocketed since then, one can only hope we actually get it!!

10 years ago #9326062        

that was an interesting time... and rather fascinating to hear all the opinions. our tok teacher is Scottish and would give us his view on the matter. a few hours later, we would hear a very different opinion from our English teacher from England. Unfortunately we were expected to agree with both of them.

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