Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 3 of Sister Sweden

Who's your daddy?

Who's your daddy?

All the children in SatW are completely fucked. :XD:

Scania is the most southern part of Sweden which used to be part of Denmark. A lot of people from Scania work in Denmark and the other way around because they’re connected by a bridge, and every year a group of people from the rest of Sweden comes down to the border of Scania and a group from Scania does the same, and together they start digging along the border. The plan is to separate Scania from the rest of Sweden. :D

And yes, Sister Sweden is making a reference to this because I'm a horrible person. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Scania Sister Sweden
6th of June

Boys are such weirdos

Boys are such weirdos

Heh, while studying the history of the witch trials in Scandinavia, I came across a Swedish book, that said that witchcraft was a very women-specific crime, while incest and zoophilia was very men-specific in Norway and Sweden, respectively.
Sadly the book didn’t mention what men in Denmark got killed for, so I just assumed it was something more “boring” like murder.

It should be mentioned that just because most men got killed for this in those countries, it doesn’t mean it happened there more often than other places. For example, in Holland most men got killed for homosexuality, but they hardly had more homosexuals.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Sister Sweden
25th of April
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Family Photo

Family Photo

I don’t even know. I just wanted to draw a picture of Sweden and his sister, and then this happened...

One has to wonder how these two ended up so different. Or is Sister Sweden more intelligent than she leads on? And is Sweden more wild under the serious facade than he will ever admit? We may never know.

Finland is a fool if he thinks he can keep Sister Sweden to himself. She’s a bigger whore than Denmark, which makes her a pretty big whore.

And I really should include Iceland more often. It has recently come to my attention that people think he is a sissy because he is all pretty and sparkly, when in fact he is the most hardcore of them all. This guy jumps into volcanoes with a parachute on and rides the hot air out again for fucks sake!
And yes, he will land on them in a few seconds.


See more of Sweden Finland Denmark Norway Iceland Sister Sweden
19th of January

Bath Time

Bath Time

You voted, so here they are. The Nordic countries in all their naked glory. Enjoy, you perverts!

There are no stereotypes saying that Finns look like this. I just thought it went well with the I-don't-give-a-fuck-what-you-think personality I’ve given them. :)

And yes, I actually imagine Sister Norway to be slightly taller than her brother, just because. :D

I didn’t realize it before the picture was done, but I love how you can see that a domino effect will take place in the boys' picture:

Iceland is just standing around being his usual pretty self., distracts Sweden. Therefore he doesn’t notice that Denmark is about to towel whip Norway. When that happens, Norway will jump, and bump into Finland. Finland will drop his beer, and then all hell will break loose! :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Finland Sister Sweden
18th of October

SatW Couples

SatW Couples

I asked you what your favourite couples from Scandinavia and the World were, and here they are. I said I was only going to draw the couple that most people wanted to see, but I suddenly felt like drawing more, so I decided to draw a bunch of sketches instead.

Wales x New Zealand
Do not judge them! Their love is more true and deep-felt than any love you will ever experience!
Heh, can’t you just see the romantic sundown behind them? :D

Denmark x Norway
This was by far the most popular couple. Once again Norway is trying to cure Denmark’s fear of nature in a safe environment, and finally finally it seems like they’ve come to a breakthrough. Then Denmark touched the butterfly, it flew off, which scared the crap out of Denmark who spilled beer over the both of them and accidentally kicked Norway in the face.

Canada x America
I’ve come to like this couple more than I originally did, because I realized that they’re completely fucking some anime/yaoi rules up. Canada would be the uke because he is such a cute little bishie, but screws it up by being the hairiest of all the guys. America would be the seme, but he is insecure like hell and still a virgin. Oh what fun. :XD:

America x Mexico
They love each other, because they can only see each other’s good sides. Mexico see a rich and handsome man with the power to help her out of poverty. America see a beautiful and exotic woman with strong religious morals (Which is one of the reasons why he is still a virgin. She is not putting out before the wedding!). America hates her brother though. Damn guy keeps sneaking into his yard and sometimes invites the whole family over without asking, and then he complains about America not treating his sister well, not paying her enough attention and all that stuff. God he hates that guy!

Sweden x Sister Finland
Oh dear Sister Finland. Could you possibly have chosen a worse guy to fall in love with? :XD:

Sister Sweden x Finland
That’s pretty much all there is to their "relationship". Big boobied sex. Enjoy. :D


See more of Canada America Mexico Finland Norway Sweden Denmark Wales New Zealand Sister Sweden
15th of October
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Long Cold Nights

Long Cold Nights

I have had this comic on my computer for a month now, because I wasn’t sure if I should post it. Too much naked skin.
Then I showed it to a friend who said I had to post it. I’m still a little nervous about it though, so let’s see for how long this will stay here. ^^;

Anyway, this comic is based on the “What happened in the Nordic people’s huts doing those long cold winter nights” jokes.
I once had a substitute history teacher who was very fond of insinuating that all countries in the north f***ed like rabbits as soon as they had a bit to drink and the first snow fell, and prevented the Vikings from getting their rocks on in England. She was a crazy but fun lady. :XD:

Another joke in here, is that the Finns claim that the only reason why Swedish women get pregnant is because the Finnish men come over to help them out. :XD:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Sister Sweden
30th of August

Dinner Partner

Dinner Partner

Everybody knows that there’s nothing but sheep in New Zeeland, and that Wales is quite fond of sheep. It's a match made in Heaven! ;)

And either Norway, Denmark and Sweden's dinner patners left before time, or Sweden mockingly made Denmark his dinner partner because Denmark once invented man-breasts. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Australia New Zealand Wales Sister Sweden
5th of August

Meet my Sister

Meet my Sister

It's a girl thing. You boys wouldn't understand it.

Anyway, here’s the boys introducing their sisters to each other. All countries have a sibling of the opposite sex. This came to be because the stereotypical Swedish woman is radically different from the stereotypical Swedish man. In fact, she is the complete opposite of everything the Swedish man stands for, so Sweden is not particular proud of her.


See more of Norway Iceland Finland Denmark Sweden Sister Sweden Sister Denmark
22nd of July