Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Sealand

Happy Hour

Happy Hour

Russia is one hell of a place.


See more of Russia Christania Kven Sealand Fennoswede
7th of September

Children's Entertainer

Children's Entertainer

The new IT movie is just the story of a well meaning Swede trying to entertain children.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Kven Sealand Fennoswede Christiania
15th of September
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No joints for children

No joints for children

I had no idea Freetown Christiania is considered a micronation. I thought they were just hippies living in their own little part of Copenhagen. :XD:

Micronations are places that someone has declared it’s own country or at least independent. Sealand is the best known one, while Christiania is usually considered the most legit one because Denmark allowed them to slag on a lot of rules about drugs and building sites, though lately the Danish state have forced them to be less liberal about drugs whish lead to a lot of conflicts.


See more of England Denmark Sealand Christiania
30th of September