Ah, the languages of the Nordics.
Few people realize this, but Norwegians actually speak a language that is far closer to old Danish than Norwegian, while people on Iceland actually speak something close to old Norwegian.
Little FennoSwede is holding on to his uncle Finland because FennoSwedes are Finns who speak Swedish.
Though, you could really just say Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and to some extend Icelandic (But not Finnish) are nothing more than different dialects, seeing as we understand each other if we talk reeeeaaaaly slow and clear.
And it will of course never not be funny how some Americans treat British like a completely different language.

Sure, some words are different and it’s a different accent, but try coming to Europe. We’ll show you what “different language” means. ;)
See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland FennoSwede America England
25th of July