Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of FennoSwede

Happy Hour

Happy Hour

Russia is one hell of a place.


See more of Russia Christania Kven Sealand Fennoswede
7th of September

Children's Entertainer

Children's Entertainer

The new IT movie is just the story of a well meaning Swede trying to entertain children.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Kven Sealand Fennoswede Christiania
15th of September
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Great Concern

Great Concern

There's no story behind this one. I just felt like drawing a slice of life comic about the assholery the Nordic characters subject each other to.


See more of Sweden Finland Aland Scania FennoSwede Sister Sweden
20th of January

It's all about the children

It's all about the children That is all you need.


See more of Wales America Australia Scotland Christiania FennoSwede
3rd of April



Iceland is great with kids. :D

The first Europeans to find America was Icelandic Vikings, and they managed to stay alive for some time before they got killed by the Indians and the winters. They called the land they found Vinland.

The original settlers on Greenland didn’t last long either.


See more of Iceland Kven Fennoswede Christiania Demon Cat
22nd of October
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Raising Children

Raising Children

First Christiania and Denmark. They have a difficult relationship, yet deep down they love each other. Christiania is referring to Sister Australia as a gold-digger because when Denmark and her are together they represent the royal family, which the Christianians are against.

Scania (Skåne) and Sweden. Sweden spends a lot of time correcting Scania, making fun of the way he talks, and threatening to send him back to Denmark. Scania is still reluctant to leave him though, as he still like his uncle but refuse to admit it.

Norway and Kven. Norway is not deliberately ignoring Kven, he just sort of keep forgetting that he’s there, so Kven spends a lot of time doing his own thing (The Kven People are people from Finland who migrated to Norway hundred of years ago, and is considered a ethnic minority with it’s own language).

Finland and FennoSwede. Finland is just thinking what we’re all thinking around children...

Iceland doesn't have any children.


See more of Christiania Denmark Scania Sweden Norway Kven Finland Fennoswede
19th of October

What did you say?

What did you say?

Ah, the languages of the Nordics.

Few people realize this, but Norwegians actually speak a language that is far closer to old Danish than Norwegian, while people on Iceland actually speak something close to old Norwegian.
Little FennoSwede is holding on to his uncle Finland because FennoSwedes are Finns who speak Swedish.

Though, you could really just say Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and to some extend Icelandic (But not Finnish) are nothing more than different dialects, seeing as we understand each other if we talk reeeeaaaaly slow and clear.

And it will of course never not be funny how some Americans treat British like a completely different language. :XD:
Sure, some words are different and it’s a different accent, but try coming to Europe. We’ll show you what “different language” means. ;)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland FennoSwede America England
25th of July



Finland already thinks it’s bad enough to have Sweden’s child hanging around all the time. Now he has to put up with the little brat speaking Swedish too! D:

The reason why FennoSwede turned into this good looking happy brat is because his mother spoils him rotten. Which is also why Finland doesn’t just stab him: Mommy would not be happy. :XD:

As mentioned before, Scania and FennoSwede have almost identical flags. The only thing that differs between them is the proportions of it, which I can’s show on the characters. But you will be able to tell them apart by FennoSwede’s sunglasses and rolled up sleeves. He’ll not stay this small forever after all.

And Åland is there to remind you that he speaks Swedish too, so this was inevitable. :D


See more of Finland Sweden Aland FennoSwede
20th of June

How Babies are Made

How Babies are Made

And that is the story of how Sweden became a daddy.
Just in case you can’t tell, no he didn’t marry Sister Finland. He is just a responsible gentleman who knows he got himself into this, so he is not even going to try to walk out on his obligations as a father.

And yes, little FennoSwede believes himself to be quite awesome despite his parents. :D
Fenno-swedes are Finns who live in Finland, but speak Swedish, and they are often seen as more rich, snobbish and annoyingly happy compared to the rest of Finland’s population. :XD:

Some of you might have noticed that the people in Scania and the fenno-swedes use the same flag. I believe that is going to be hella’ confusing, but I’ll try and remember to tell you who is who if it isn’t clear from the comic.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Aland Iceland FennoSwede
29th of May