Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Denmark

The implication of that

The implication of that

Still not over the American woman who was super surprised to see so many men walking around with strollers and generally looking after their children alone during her travels through the Nordic countries.


See more of Sweden Norway Finland Denmark America
20th of September

Was it always there?

Was it always there?

Crazy Frog is the best proof that kids don’t notice that kind of thing because every single person I know had this realization as an adult.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Aland
16th of August
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Popular destinations in Sweden

Popular destinations in Sweden

We have noticed a trend Sweden and we're all worried about you and your visitors.
For some reason more and more horror films take place in Sweden. They have become the new creepy old England it seems.


Dayvi says this is a good title for SEO.

See more of Sweden Denmark Finland Norway
17th of January

The Wolf Hour

The Wolf Hour

The Swedes came up with the expression first and I assume the Danes thought that sounded really scary and decided to name the most stressful time of day after it.

In all of Scandinavia twilight is seen as the most magical time of day. That's why Scandinavian horror and fantasy is sometimes called Scandinavian Twilight. It's not named after the Twilight books/movies but rather Scandinavian folklore.


See more of Sweden Denmark Dog Christiania Wolf
15th of January

Energy Saver

Energy Saver

Every Dane I’ve talked to about this agree.


See more of Germany Sweden Europe Denmark
13th of January
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Holiday of Hearts

Holiday of Hearts

Most Japanese people don’t even know Christmas is a religious holiday. It’s all about Santa babyyy!


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Germany Japan
23rd of December



Who brought DenDen along?


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
2nd of December

Halloween 2022

Halloween 2022

You’re not a furry if it’s Halloween.


See more of Greenland Finland Norway Sweden Faroe Islands Iceland Denmark
28th of October

Lands of two wheels

Lands of two wheels

When I learned that Denmark provides all exercise bikes in space I thought “That is so on brand for Denmark and how didn’t the Netherlands get that job?”


See more of Netherlands Denmark
24th of September

Food Crimes

Food Crimes

Sweden can’t keep getting away with his food crimes.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden
13th of August