Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 17 of Denmark



People wanted to see more of Denmark's pig, so here he is, protesting stuff.

The Danish Protest Pig was bred in the 20th century, when Danes living in the area under Prussian rule were prohibited from raising the Danish flag and kept and displayed the Protest Pig instead.

So Protest Pig always stands up for Denmark when there's something he's uncomfortable with.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
9th of June

Lost Friends

Lost Friends

England and Denmark were once connected by land called Doggerland. Things did not go well for Doggerland with the rise of sea levels.

This strip is by my assistants, what do you think of it?


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of England Denmark Doggerland Dayvi Verity
29th of May
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Eurovision 2015

Eurovision 2015

Don't worry, colorful speech bubbles aren't going to be a thing from now on. Just this once it makes it easier to see who is saying what.

Sadly I didn't have a lot of time to make this year's Eurovision comic, but no way could anything keep me from making one!

I have to admit I though this year was pretty boring. Not because of Austria, they did a great job, but because most of the artists decided to act classy which equals super boring Eurovision for me. I need lots of stupid costumes! Crazy dancers! Huge fireworks! I need Eurovision to be weird dammit!

The host country Austria got zero points. :(

Sweden was as always stoked to win. Nobody in the world loves Eurovision more than them, so no wonder they win so often.

Australia got to join this year as a special one time thing. They did great and are welcome in the future if the powers that be allows it.

The last two times Sweden won, Denmark won the year after, so it's a bit of a running joke in Denmark to say "Oh no, we can't effort Eurovision again already!" before we've even won.


See more of Austria Norway Germany Sweden Australia Denmark Eurovision
26th of May

Favorite Friends

Favorite Friends

My housemate came home and handed me an article from a Danish newspaper that had asked it's readers which countries they liked best.

It came as a surprise to no one that Norway was the runaway winner, because the Danes have historically always been incredibly fond of their old colony.

Second came Germany because the Danes have been working so closely with them, exchanging tourists and what not, that old hate from the war is gone.

It was however a huge surprise that Sweden was number three considering our history and how ill we speak of each other on a daily basis, but it would seem it's all talk and the Danes are warming up to their old nemesis.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Germany
19th of May

Small Talk

Small Talk

Every time I make a comic about Finnish saunas I'm told it's a running joke in Finland that Finns only make small talk in saunas.


See more of Finland Sweden Norway Denmark
5th of May
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Competitive Sport

Competitive Sport

I kid you not. The Faroe Islands bought grass from Denmark to use for football fields, but accidently got wasps too.

To make matters worse, the wasps on The Faroe Islands are unusually aggressive because of the cold weather.


See more of Faroe Islands Denmark
28th of April

Day at the beach

Day at the beach

Germans are crazy about the beach. If you leave them there, there is no guarantee they'll be the same person when you find them again.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Germany Netherlands
14th of April

Too hot for this world

Too hot for this world

Heat makes the Nordics a little weird in the head, unless their country HAS LAVA COMING OUT OF EVERY HOLE MOTHERFLIPPING ICELAND!!!

The Faroe Islands are possibly the coldest of the countries all year round, so he really doesn't handle heat well.


See more of Sweden Aland Finland Iceland Faroe Islands Norway Denmark
7th of April

Real True News

Real True News

The April Fools' joke about the Swiss spaghetti tress was first made by BBC in England in 1957. Afterwards they got calls from people asking for advise on how to grow such a tree.

It was later "borrowed" by Danish news. Afterwards they started getting calls from annoyed wives who knew spaghetti was made from flour because it said so on the packaging, but their husbands wouldn't believe them because why would the news lie?


See more of Norway Bornholm Denmark
31st of March