Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 4 of Denmark



After my last comic so many Americans were like “The Scandinavian countries are so smart and we can’t even get Americans to wear masks” but the Scandinavian countries haven’t even suggested that people wear masks. All they’ve done is tell people to wear masks abroad because they otherwise risk getting a fine in countries where masks are mandatory.


See more of America Denmark Norway Sweden
31st of July

YOU get some dignity and YOU get some dignity

YOU get some dignity and YOU get some dignity

Finland explained himself in the comic, but in 2010 Denmark started giving heroine to drug addicts for free and it was such a huge success that it has continued until today. Because of this Norway has started experimenting with it too.

It’s a lot cheaper for society because the addicts commit less crime, they don’t have to spend money on drugs so instead they spend it on things that are more healthy for them so they don’t end up on the hospital as often, they have to take the drugs in special clinics so there’s no chance of them taking an overdose or using dirty needles and spreading diseases among each other, there’s always staff ready to help them if they want to get off the drugs, and it’s a lot more effective way to help more people because addicts come into contact with professionals who want to help them before they even think about getting help themselves.

Nobody wants to be homeless or an addict. Though they often end up getting involved in criminality because of their situation, the act of being homeless or an addict is not a crime in itself and the people deserve help like anyone else.


See more of America Finland Denmark
17th of July
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Two birds in the hand?

Two birds in the hand?

In all fairness bee flies are pretty cute, but I’ve always been weirdly envious of the Americas having hummingbirds, so I had to laugh when someone told me bee flies are “our hummingbirds”


See more of Colombia Sweden Norway Denmark
5th of June

New Hights

New Hights

Why, America!? Why!?


See more of America Sweden Denmark Norway
23rd of May

How liberating

How liberating

It’s so difficult to come up with new ways to entertain ourselves.


See more of Denmark Norway
8th of May
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Balancing act

Balancing act

We take turns laughing and crying.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
1st of May

don’t hoard

don’t hoard

Denmark has been closed off because corona is spreading too fast here. Very few people are allowed in or out.


See more of Europe America Denmark
14th of April

It's genetic

It's genetic

It's just something that has to be done.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
15th of February

My Corona

My Corona

Every time they mention the corona virus on TV I get this version of the song stuck in my head, and as it creeps ever closer to Denmark I find myself humming it more and more often...


See more of England Germany Denmark Sweden Finland
8th of February

Shoes on shoes off

Shoes on shoes off

We don't usually think of Scandinavia as "shoes off" countries, but then I talked to some Americans who couldn't understand why their Scandinavian friends were always hovering around in the entrance if they only visited to pick something up real quick. The mystery was solved when they explained that it's impolite to walk around people's houses with shoes on in Scandinavia. You either take them off or at least ask if you should. Even if the homeowner don't expect you to take your shoes off they might still get offended if you don't ask, so the rules are a bit more complicated than in Japan.


See more of America Norway Denmark Sweden
25th of January