Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


After my last comic so many Americans were like “The Scandinavian countries are so smart and we can’t even get Americans to wear masks” but the Scandinavian countries haven’t even suggested that people wear masks. All they’ve done is tell people to wear masks abroad because they otherwise risk getting a fine in countries where masks are mandatory.

Denmark America Sweden Norway
31st July 2020
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5 years ago #9836829        

There's a joke going round that the Finns are protesting the 2 metre social distancing rule, because it's far too short.

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5 years ago #9837125        

What always fascinates me is that people apparently do not understand that they should not wear the masks to protect themselves, but everyone else around them.

In my opinion, there can only be two reasons for this:

1. they really don't understand
2. they do not care

And neither of the two possibilities makes me feel positive about those people.

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5 years ago #9837134        

The US wouldn't have needed masks either if the entire country had shut down all at once with people actually observing it right when this thing started. There was such a patchwork of policies across the country with contradictory and scientifically incorrect information being given out by certain political figures that the US never stood a chance.

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5 years ago #9839146        

LOL, no, masks don't work. It's partially a virtue-signaling fad among leftists trying to demonstrate how conscientious they are, combined with constant apocalyptically negative news coverage in the mainstream media such as CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times, which constantly emphasizes how horrible the situation with the virus is, how hydroxychloroquine absolutely does not work (it's supposed to be that plus azithromycin plus zinc, btw), as well as the phenomenon of scaring people half to death by constantly repeating scary anecdotes about young people or children getting sick or dying from the bug, or even people catching it twice, even though they're very rare events.

Seriously, if the news media behaved this negatively during World War II, they'd be charged with treason, or at the very least accused of working for the Axis. There was even a survey done which found that Americans and Britons thought the virus was 200 times deadlier than it actually is. Great job, news media. Greeeat joobb.

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5 years ago #9837987        

Have the upvote and downvote buttons stopped working for anyone else?
Feel free to upvote, downvote or reply to this comment to make sure, I won't judge

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5 years ago #9837881        

The joke is going around that Norwegians are anxiously awaiting the end of 2-meter social distancing, so they can get back to their normal 6 meters.

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5 years ago #9837152        

Just on my way to the shop when an old lady in front of me lifted her mask, spat on the floor and then put it back on again

Like. That's disgusting at the best of times, but that's LITERALLY WHAT THE MASK IS THERE TO STOP

I can't fathom what goes through people's minds

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5 years ago #9836834        

I have seen one, ONE, guy in the past few months who actually wore a mask.

It was weird and scary.

5 years ago #9837282        

Most Scandinavian countries are faring well. However, Sweden is not. Per capita they have more confirmed cases than the USA. Their death rate per case is also twice as high as the USA. It should be Iceland standing there. Not Sweden.

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5 years ago #9837083        

America wouldn't've needed to resort to mask wearing if they had just followed New Zealand's example and stayed home to flatten the curve and got deliveries from the essential workers in supermarkets, etc.

But it seems a lot of America would rather Burn, Loot & Murder than stop the spread of a deadly virus.

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