Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
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New Hights

Why, America!? Why!?

Denmark America Sweden Norway
23rd May 2020
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5 years ago #9830901        

me, an American who sleeps in an actual loft that needs a ladder to reach it: hey I feel attacked

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5 years ago #9830936        


So, Scandinavian vs. Continental United States; America includes some very south-latitude habitats. Wet, hot swamps that (I presume) have more insects than the frigid cold of the frozen north.

Taller beds have less chance of draping sheets on the floor and letting crawly things up into the bed.

5 years ago #9831031        

A better question is how do other countries get on beds less than a foot off the ground without breaking them? Like, am I supposed to do a quick core workout and squat onto the bed? Or should I take a knee and roll into it?
I try to lay down gently but at 6'2" it's still a looooong way down to the mattress.

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5 years ago #9830886        

So that really big and scary monsters can hide under the bed, to torment little children.

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4 years ago #9854804        

American’s need big everything to make up for lack of proper English and manners.

5 years ago #9830971        

I feel personally attacked from this comic...

Look, I'm 193cm (6'4"). I NEED a tall bed.

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5 years ago #9830895        

American beds are perfect! Much easier to get into and out of for adult size people. The storage space is a bonus, but it is nice that they can be at the height of a chair rather than a low sofa.
It is us Europeans who are doing it wrong.
Same thing with cars . Nothing worse than a low sedan where you feel your butt is just above the road. You feel you put the car on, rather than sit in it. Better with a pickup or other reasonably big car, where you sit down in the same height as you would on a chair.
God bless the US for being nice to people who are tall (and/or overweight) :-)

Also: I'm telling you, American beds are the's true! ;-P

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3 years ago #9871959        

cuz it's c o m f y

5 years ago #9831461        

Why so tall? 1. You can store boxes of yule ornaments & wrapping underneath 2. The cat has somewhere to hide when you need to get them to the vet 3. Dust Bunnies need a lair to grow properly.

5 years ago #9831117        

I think box-springs are much more popular in the US. My bed in the US had about the same clearance underneath, but was a bit taller than my bed in Norway because over here the mattress is built into the frame and just has a topper on it, whereas in the US there was a frame, box-spring, mattress, and mattress-topper. As for why box-springs are more popular in the US, I have no idea.

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