Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Verity

Up there

Up there

Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen tweeted this photo:

He was the first Dane in space, and had 20 Lego figures to keep him company.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of Denmark Sweden Dayvi Verity
1st of December

Viking Blood

Viking Blood

Denmark has the largest sperm bank in the world, and his largest patron is England.


Suggestion by Diti.
Illustrated by Verity.

See more of Denmark England Dayvi Verity
12th of November
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It's all Greek to me

It's all Greek to me

In English there is the phrase "That's Greek to me" but what phrase do other countries use?


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of Sister Sweden England Greece China Estonia Dayvi Verity
10th of July

Lost Friends

Lost Friends

England and Denmark were once connected by land called Doggerland. Things did not go well for Doggerland with the rise of sea levels.

This strip is by my assistants, what do you think of it?


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of England Denmark Doggerland Dayvi Verity
29th of May

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

England celebrates Mothering Sunday two months before Canada, Australia, and America celebrate Mother's Day. This causes much confusion on the internet.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of England Sister England Canada America Australia Dayvi Verity Young America
10th of May
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Nuclear Bombs

Nuclear Bombs

England - 160
China - 180
France - 300
America - 2,468
Russia - 4,650
North Korea - 0

This strip was put together by assistants Dayvi and Verity. What do you think?


Data from 'Global nuclear weapons inventories, 1945–2010' By Robert S. Norris & Hans M. Kristensen.
Illustrated by Verity

See more of England China Sister France America Russia North Korea Dayvi Verity
1st of May



Juokse = Run (as in a command), Juoksennella = to run around aimlessly.
Juoksentelisin = I would run around aimlessly (-isin means that we're talking about "I" here, and it also includes the "would" in the -tel- part combined with the -isin.) ((it would be "juoksentelen" if the person was doing it right now))
Juoksentelisinko = Would I run around aimlessly? (-ko signifies that the person is not sure and asks a question, "Would I?"
Juoksentelisinkohan = I wonder if I should run around aimlessly? (it looks unreal that a simple -han could add this much stuff but yeah, it does. The word can also mean "I wonder if I WOULD run around aimlessly?")
In a same fashion you can say, for example, "rakentelisinkohan?". (Rakentaa = to build. Rakentelisinkohan = I wonder if I should/would build (something) randomly/aimlessly?"
And that's Finnish for you. Don't ask how native Finns learn that shit, I'm not even sure myself.


See more of Sweden Finland Dayvi Verity
6th of March