Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Canada

Who owns Greenland’s island?

Who owns Greenland’s island?

Woooooww! Aren’t we just the BEST!?


See more of Greenland Canada Denmark
8th of July

Hot Brew

Hot Brew

The problem is that the device thinks people who drink tea have been taking drugs.


See more of Canada Quebec
10th of May
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Are you guys ready for the zombie pig apocalypse?


See more of America Canada
19th of April

The biggest and bestest hostage taker

The biggest and bestest hostage taker

This government shutdown has been going on for a while, eh?


See more of Mexico Canada America
18th of January

Hi Quebec

Hi Quebec

Apparently this is something that happens in Quebec every year. They race each other in pumpkins.


See more of Canada Quebec
19th of October
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The door did not know Canada mistakenly thought it was a person until Canada told it, so another apology is needed.


Illustrated by Jess.
Written by Dayvi.

See more of Canada
1st of October

So Crabby

So Crabby

Canada is having trouble with what they call "very rude" green crabs that are messing up the ecosystem and get into fighting stances if they as much as see the scientists trying to study them. Some will even jump out of the water to attack.


See more of Canada
21st of September

Bear Whisperer

Bear Whisperer

If you haven't already watched "The most Canadian way to get rid of bears" and "Finnish man scares a bear away by shouting PERKELE" do yourself a favor.


See more of Canada Finland
25th of May

Yogurt as far as the eye can see

Yogurt as far as the eye can see

Apparently it's a common problem for people who move to Denmark that most cartons that look like they contain milk or juice actually contain yogurt. "This has fruits on it. Surely this is juice" Nope, fruity yogurt. "The stuff that comes out of this carton is super runny. Surely this is milk" Nope, runny yogurt. Danes love yogurt.

Hint, look for the word "mælk". It might say Minimælk, Sødmælk, Skummemælk and so on, but if the letters "mælk" are in there somewhere you can be relatively sure it's milk. I have seen yogurt milk too though, so be careful.


See more of Canada Denmark
25th of January

Clean Living

Clean Living

Sorry about the super late comic today guys. I was supposed to go to London Expo, then got sick and had to stay at home and things have generally not been going my way this week.

Anyway, selling canned air to China is a thing now. "High quality air" from mountains and the seaside is worth quite a bit, and people from several countries are entering the "air business".

The thing about the water isn't so much a Norwegian problem specifically, but there have been a few bottled water companies that claimed to sell super special borderline magical water from remote mountain tops, only to get if from the tap or even dirty lakes. So we can't really mock the Chinese too much for buying air.


See more of Canada Norway Sweden
26th of May