Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 3 of Canada

Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

The English are exited about the wedding for all the wrong reasons. :XD:


See more of England America Canada
30th of April

National Personifications

National Personifications

(Download for full size)

First, let’s make this clear: I did not make any of these up. They are all old national personifications of countries that I just re-drew.

I wanted to see what they looked like next to each other.
From left to right:
Lady of the Mountains (Iceland)
Ola Nordmann (Norway)
Holger the Dane (Denmark)
Mother Svea (Sweden)
Finnish Maiden (Finland)
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)
Jock Tamson (Scotland)
Kathleen Ni Houlihan (Ireland)
John Bull (England)
Dame Wales (Wales)

I tried to give them individual personalities as I see them from their pictures. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Mexico America Canada Scotland Ireland England Wales
5th of October
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The Original North America

The Original North America

A sort of follow up to the original Nordics

The original national personifications of the countries before Hetalia and SatW.

From left to right:
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)


See more of Mexico America Canada
4th of October

Language Lesson

Language Lesson

Denmark wanted America to say this because Danes love to make foreigners say it.

All the other Nordic countries joke that Danish sounds like Swedes talking with a potato or porridge in their mouths, while Danes joke that Swedes sound like drunk Danes, and Norwegians sound like drunk Danes singing. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway America Canada Mexico
5th of September

Who to give Flowers

Who to give Flowers

America doesn’t like being confused. :(

Inspired by two things.
1) Canada getting flowers every year from the Netherlands as a thank you for helping them during WWII.
2) A conversation between two guys that I overheard. :D


See more of America Canada Netherlands Sister Netherlands
13th of August
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It's Complicated

It's Complicated

Inspired by simply watching American news and TV series. America have very complicated feelings about breasts. :XD:

Originally America was holding a Teddy Bear, but he likes Teddy Eagles better.


See more of America Canada Sweden Sister Sweden
11th of August

Matter of Perspective

Matter of Perspective

Don't be silly, Canada. :)


See more of America Canada
13th of June

Bedtime Drama 2

Bedtime Drama 2

England went to bed first, then Canada. They were close to falling asleep when Australia jumped onto the bed because he was being chased by New Zealand, waking them up. Australia and New Zealand fought for a bit before calming down. Australia then immediately hogged a big peace of bed and fell asleep almost as soon as he tugged the blanked over himself.

Then came America. He knew Australia moved around a lot in his sleep, so he squeezed himself in between Canada and England. What he didn’t realize was that he moved a lot in his sleep as well. By the end of the night he was sleeping on top of all the others' blankets.

Neither Canada nor England got any sleep that night. New Zealand dreamt sweet dreams of her beloved Wales.

(Yes yes, it’s the wrong flag for England)


See more of Canada America England Australia New Zealand
16th of May

The End of America

The End of America

Inspired by some of the responses I got to this journal

I couldn’t help but smile while reading them. :)


See more of Canada America Europe Australia
23rd of March

The Canadian Siblings

The Canadian Siblings

Cue a million "Canadian women are not hairy!" comments.

But really, if it surprises you that this is what Sister Canada looks like, then you obviously haven’t been paying attention when reading my comics.

Besides, how else did you think they could keep warm during those icy summers that everybody knows Canada has? (Cue a million "Canada does not have icy summers!" comments)

And if nothing else, you know Denmark and Sister Sweden would still do them both. :XD:

EDIT: I'm very amused by how scared people are of body hair. Come on people, it's just hair. As in the stuff that grows on your head. How old are you? You act like I drew them vomiting down each other's throats or something.


See more of Canada Sister Canada
31st of January