Inspired by two things.
1) Canada getting flowers every year from the Netherlands as a thank you for helping them during WWII.
2) A conversation between two guys that I overheard.
2017 is Canada's 150th Anniversary, and so the Netherlands has created a special tulip just for the occasion, white with a red maple leaf pattern. Too cool! Google "Canada 150 tulips" to see pictures.
@Teeka reasons I am happy my birthday is only a few days before Canada day XD occasionally, my American cousin will visit, and I will have a Canada day cupcake theme or something and he immediately assumes that everyone in canada is way too patriotic. I'm sure if I told him about Canadas tulip gift, he would think that I am just that special XD. I'm related to an idiot.
@Teeka They are so beautiful! This is the smoothest "diplomatic move" ever done and I'm so happy we are on the receiving hand. I hope this friendship last forever. Netherlands can come over anytime. ^^
This is sort of funny for me. I'm a serious gardener. I LOVE my flowers and my vegetable patch and even my compost heap! LOL On our first anniversary, my wife sent me a dozen roses and a dozen daffodils -- two of my very favorite flowers. Then, when she came home from work, she had a delivery van with her that dropped off about 20 more plants for us (that is, me) to plant around the house. I admit it. I am a straight American man who loves getting flowers from his wife.
its beacause queen juliana from the netherlands came here in ww2 but she was pregnant and her baby coud only become a duch monarch if they were born on duch soil so we gave the netherlands a hospital for the day
it still oporated normaly, just was duch
Well America IS generally confused, He shouldn't stick his nose into everyone elses buisness and then Maybe then, and just maybe, he wouldn't get confused!
@SnideOysterDK Agreed. I look forward to the day that we stop having any affairs with other countries and keep America for America, and leave the rest of the world to whatever may befall them.
@SnideOysterDK true. The USA should just stay to themselves. It's annoying constantly hearing about things that doesn't have to do with the country. But obviously not so much to themselves to stay away from isolation. And the military strength is strong because usually if you don't want to go to college most people just go into the army/military/navy/Air Force(best one to go to). Anyways, I agree.
I once saw a guy throw a fit and do communist name-calling (as in calling the OP an anarchhist and a communist) when somebody on tumblr remarked upon how "interesting" the lifetime appointment of supreme justices - and the supreme justice outfits - are.
2017 is Canada's 150th Anniversary, and so the Netherlands has created a special tulip just for the occasion, white with a red maple leaf pattern. Too cool! Google "Canada 150 tulips" to see pictures.
Home made gifts really are the best.