Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Greenland

Lost and Found Nukes

Lost and Found Nukes

A U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber airplane carrying four nukes crashed close to Greenland in 1968. They found three of the bombs.


See more of America Europe Greenland Fish
14th of January

Halloween 2022

Halloween 2022

You’re not a furry if it’s Halloween.


See more of Greenland Finland Norway Sweden Faroe Islands Iceland Denmark
28th of October
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Who owns Greenland’s island?

Who owns Greenland’s island?

Woooooww! Aren’t we just the BEST!?


See more of Greenland Canada Denmark
8th of July

Happy cute Yule

Happy cute Yule

I’ve been blamed for only focusing on scary and weird Christmas traditions. Well, for once Christmas falls on a Friday so I thought I’d celebrate by posting the most obnoxiously cute Yuletide picture.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Aland Greenland Finland Iceland Faroe Islands Demon Cat Beer Ghost
24th of December



Gotta hunt them seals.


See more of Greenland America
28th of September
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The Proposal

The Proposal

Our prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, was right. Trump is being absurd. The fact that he was so offended by being called absurd just proves her point.


See more of Denmark Greenland
23rd of August

Good for business

Good for business

If you go to Thailand you might see opened bottles of Pink Fanta just sitting around. This is an offering to spirits because animal blood is no longer allowed.


See more of Greenland Thailand Beerghost
5th of October

Free Greenland

Free Greenland

Some time ago it was very fashionable to fight for Tibet, but China was like a rock, so shortly thereafter people suddenly started yelling the same slogans but about Greenland and people felt a bit confused. Let's just say the modern day situation between Denmark and Greenland is different than China/Tibet. They have home rule, meaning they pretty much function as a independent country, and they get huge sums of money from Denmark to keep the country running and get it back on it's feed after all the abuse they suffered under Denmark. If they become fully independent they'd lose the money, so for now they choose to stay part of Denmark until they figure something better out. They vote on whether they want to become independent every so often, but so far it has always been a no. But worry not, it will happen some day.


See more of America China Tibet Greenland Denmark
20th of July

Be careful what you say

Be careful what you say

Some...unfortunet history.

The Scandinavians were pretty convinced that they were the best human race and that everybody else were below them. Especially in Denmark the scientists were very fond of using measuring tools to determine race and intelligence, which inspired Nazi Germany a lot. The Danes who had intended to use the "science" as a base for their welfare system were horrified when they found out what the Germans were using it for and started to realize just how misguided it was.

Nazi Germany loved Denmark though, and because the Danes didn't have an army worth anything, they used Germany's love a lot during WWII to try and help those the Nazis wanted to kill. That's how you end up with stories about Danes shipping 99% of their Jews to safety in Sweden, and how they made agreements with the Nazis that Danish Jews who were sent to camps go better treatment, more food and weren't killed.

As one Danish Jew in a camp said "We got crates with food, letters from our families, chocolate and candy, but the German guards always stole the cigarettes"


See more of Greenland Denmark Nazi Germany
12th of July

Dress the Part

Dress the Part

It's a common misconception that because Denmark doesn't have an official national costume, Denmark doesn't have festive folk-dresses at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. Different areas have wildly different clothes though, so in one area men wore huge baggy pants, in another women wore men's top-hats, in another people wore masks that covered their whole face when outside, and the list goes on.

One of the reasons why Denmark doesn't have one official national dress is because the Faroe Islands and Greenland were part of Denmark for so long, and having one standard dress would be like erasing theirs.


See more of Faroe Islands Greenland Norway Sweden Denmark Sister Sweden Sister Norway Sister Denmark Sister Faroe Islands
30th of March