Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
The Proposal

The Proposal

Our prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, was right. Trump is being absurd. The fact that he was so offended by being called absurd just proves her point.

Greenland Denmark
23rd August 2019
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6 years ago #9820493        

I'm from USA, and I think the best idea would be to drop Trump in the middle of Greenland by helicopter so he can do a walking tour and plan his Trump tower.

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6 years ago #9820524        

As an american, I would like to apologize to the EU and other countries for how much of a complete moron the idiot-in-chief is. Not all americans are like him, and quite a few despise him. He's like a tick that's burrowed in too deep to burn out.

I fervently dream that he gets smacked out of office in the upcoming elections (even though statistics show that incumbents usually win a second term).

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6 years ago #9820867        

Mette: wanna hear a joke?
Trump: sure
Mette: Greenland.
Trump: i don’t get it.
Mette: and you never will.

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6 years ago #9820516        

The absolute one and ONLY thing that Trump is good at is being an utter asshat. I'd call him a douchebag, but I shudder to think of letting *THAT* up in my personal ladybusiness. Hell no.

That being said... could we sell Trump to anyone? Or anywhere? Seriously, one never knows, he might make a good sewer worker or mobile scarecrow. Or hey, an organ-donor! There we go! Anybody need a heart? I'm dead certain he's not using his.....

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6 years ago #9820466        

I least we got a comic where Greenland isn't glaring daggers at Denmark out of the whole mess?


6 years ago #9820458        

I hope Greenland has an official response, something to the tune of:

"The people of Greenland find they have no interest in being as poorly managed and governed as the United States of America does to its current states and territories. We have our own problems and do not need yours too. Nor are we much impressed with an offer to be 'bought' by a country 16 trillion dollars in debt. Finally, in conclusion, we cordially invite MISTER Trump to go eat a dick."

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6 years ago #9820577        

Greenland wouldn't be the 51st state even if some sort of deal was reached.

Greenland is politically liberal compared to the US, so Republican lawmakers would absolutely avoid allowing it statehood (like they've done with Puerto Rico and Washington DC for years) in order to avoid shifting the balance of power in Congress. And so it would sit as a US Territory.

6 years ago #9820525        

The true nightmare of Trump is how much of the nation folds up its ears and ignores him. He's a criminal, a psychopath, a neo-nazi, a big fat orange turd that serves foreign interests...but the same percentages as always just kind of 'ho-hum' and stick their heads in the sand and say, "well both sides are bad, so I just won't vote."

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6 years ago #9820469        

Honestly I'm relieved that he isn't visiting anymore. It would have been a pain in the arse and even worse our queen would have to sit through an entire dinner with him as her dinner partner. I can't even imagine spending one minut in his presence let alone a whole evening without losing my marbles. But at the same time I find it rather funny that he first invites himself to Denmark without an official invitation and afterwards cancels because our primeminister simply called the idea of selling an indigenous people and their land a silly idea. If he isn't the most perfect example of a fragile ego then I don't know who is.... God please tell me it's soon election time. I don't think the world can handle another four years of this madness.

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6 years ago #9821467        

I feel like this is proof of the infinite timelines hypothesis. This could only happen if we live in a multiverse where even the most insane thing happens in some universe somewhere. We just got stuck in that one timeline in a billion where an idiot buffoon somehow became president of America.

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