Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Armed to immobilize

Armed to immobilize

Everybody everywhere understands why some Americans want to arm teachers NOW because schools shootings are a systemic problem that will take YEARS to fix, but more deadly weapons in schools probably isn't a good idea.

Japan America
30th August 2019
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6 years ago #9821303        

As a teacher, I hate this. If there is a shooting, my priorities are clear. Lock the door. Barricade the door. (Seriously, I had a 2000 lb bookshelf on piano rollers that could be pushed in front of the door and locked that would make it effectively bullet proof. I had one class where during a shooting preparedness exercise, I identified students who could push it in front of the door and lock the wheels.) Do a count of my students. Notify to the office where my students are and which ones are missing and where the ones out of my class were last reported to be. And if the shooter tries to get in my classroom, I had a 12-20 foot extending aluminum ladder to get down from the second floor. My job would be to get the students out and be the last down.

If I have a gun, what are my priorities during a shooting? Wait for the shooter to get in so I can try to kill them? What if it's a cop trying to get in and I didn't hear them because my students are panicking? What if in the panic, I shoot and hit one of my students? What if I kill them? A lot of people who favor this plan have a lot of ways It could go right, and having thought of all the ways it could go wrong. Then there's what do I do with the damned thing the 99.999% of the time there is no shooting? (Seriously, shootings get so overreported when, in fact, they are extremely rare.) Do I keep it on my person? What's two prevent 2-3 of my students from restraining me and taking it off my person and killing someone they don't like in class? Keep it in a box in my desk? I've had students go through my desk before. If the gun is in a locked box, what's to prevent them from stealing the box, taking it out of the class, and trying every combo they can? Do I get fired if the gun gets stolen or taken from me?

The fig leaf, of course, is that it's all supposed to be voluntary. Great. So what happens when one of the teachers turns out to be mentally ill, has a weapon, and kills a student? It's gotten really close once already.

You want to stop shootings? Remove the things that shoot. It's a very small, very select category of things.

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6 years ago #9821254        

Let's just give the children guns too. In fact , let's make gun ownership mandatory, so that everyone just ends up shooting each other to death.

The rest of the world works just fine without gun rights. Oh wow, however do we live without guns?

I don't know why Americans cling to them so desperately. Gun rights made sense 200 years ago. Today, guns do far more harm than good. Americans need to get their priorities straight.

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6 years ago #9821212        

After America decided, with Sandy Hook, that guns are more important than children, I knew it was all over.
I used to admire and even love America.
Not anymore.

What happened? You defend guns with frothing passion, and declare all Europeans "freedom-hating socialist commies", not in the cheeky, brotherly way you once used to, but with a seething, hateful sincerity.
Shining City on a Hill, you ain't.

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6 years ago #9821159        

As a US citizen, I apologise for all the stupid Americans posting today about their guns. Please do not allow them in your country. But if you do let them in, keep their neck locked in a sasumata.

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6 years ago #9821113        

We already have a problem in our country with getting our police officers, who get extensive training in how and when to properly use their weapon, to use their weapon in the proper circumstances with skill and forethought. Our police are not taught to deescalate, but to "shoot if they feel threatened in any way."

How in the world do people expect teachers, with a minimal amount of firearms training and even less in deescalation, to do better?

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6 years ago #9821367        

Regarding your second amendment, it's interesting how people tend to forget the whole "well regulated militia" thing, and go straight for the "right to bear arms shall not be infringed".

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6 years ago #9821134        

I wish, if it's ever possible, SATW one day deals with a political movement in Japan that virtually denies what they did until WW2.

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6 years ago #9821330        

Tomorrow, six new gun laws go into effect in Texas - all to make it *easier* to carry guns anywhere. U.S. gun nuts are the stupidest people in the world. You would know this if you met them, except most of them are not smart enough to fill out a passport application, so you will probably never meet them unless you visit the ignorant parts of the U.S.
Texas gun laws:

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6 years ago #9821246        

Yes, arming the teachers is an excellent idea, for no teacher has ever had a very bad day ever, and there are certainly no teachers around that wish that they could shoot just a few of their students every now and then. There certainly is no history ever of people with guns going postal no matter what their profession or levels of stress, and there is no stress at all in overcrowded and underfunded schools.

I know! To avoid the problem of teachers potentially going postal we better arm all the students as well!

6 years ago #9821215        

*starts digging a hole to hide in* It just gets worse and worse around here *gestures at America wildly*

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