Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Energy Saver

Energy Saver

Every Dane I’ve talked to about this agree.

Sweden Germany Europe Denmark
13th January 2023
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2 years ago #9877178        

Ok everyone here is update about why humon hasn't posted in awhile she is going through some personal sorrows she hasn't say what and won't be able to make jokes or comics for awhile

You can learn more on Scandinavia and the world Facebook page and on satw comic discord new comic thread

So everyone just be patient and respectful the humon's mental recovery

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2 years ago #9876877        

I honestly believe that Putin's goons infiltrated the rest of Europe via the environmentalists, among many other groups. Why else would the Greens be so adamantly against Nuclear, the one power source that is both the safest per petawatt/hour and produces the least emissions, and instead force Europe to import even MORE oil and gas from Russia?

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2 years ago #9876871        

I wish the small, modular nuclear reactors were already in operation widely. They would help a lot of people and nations in Europe. Of course not the nuclear haters Austria and Germany, but others.

2 years ago #9877025        

probably unpopular oppinion here, but the EU Sucks.

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2 years ago #9876930        

@CorruptUser Calling the Greens Putin-infiltrated because they are against nuclear is quite a wild take. Heck, most of the European nuklear industry is highly dependent on Rosatom. Even more so than the European gas and oil industry is. And nuclear lobby organisations in Europe are literally run by people on the payroll of Rosatom.
Examples: Major mines in Canada and Kasachstan are owned by Rosatom, and Rosatom still provides a lot of the nuclear fuel in Europe. The German re-enrichment plant requires from Rosatom to operate. The French EFT cooperates with Rosatom when building plants. It's a total mess.

And lets not get startet on the safety in case of military conflict. The German plants were never designed to withstand heavy impacts. They also were never retrofitted after 9/11. Too expensive. Not even a smoke machine to obstruct the plants in case of attack.

Even the conservative and neoliberal parties in Germany don't plan to build any nuclear plants. It's all about getting the most out of old plants. For them it's just a culture war thing to have some anti Green talking points after messing up German energy supply big time. The conservatives have been the ruling party for 16 years. Instead of investing nuclear, they had a second nuclear exit that cost the taxpayer billions. One of the many reasons why the topic of new nuclear plants in Germany is soooo dead.

And by now its simply too late anyways. New nuclear plants in Europe take 15 years to build. And that was before Russia's Ukraine invasion, which causes a lot of new problems for European nuclear industry. If you are serious with reducing carbon emissions by 2035, then they simply have nothing to contribute.

Disclaimer: A German Green working in solar. ;)

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2 years ago #9876873        

And then there's Finland, kicked back in his sauna. Sharpening his knives.

2 years ago #9876915        

Finland's got all the saunas to keep him warm.

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2 years ago #9876882        

The problem is not that they're using too much energy. The problem is that, despite being warned about it, renewables are simply not capable of sustaining a country, especially during the winter when people need energy the most. Germany in particular was told not too long ago that relying on Russian gas was a very big mistake, but they laughed in that person's face. And as a result, over the past year Germany has been burning huge amounts of coal to try and keep up.

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2 years ago #9877474        

I don't know what to say here. Look at all those huge malls and never shutting down lights at streets and useless buildings. Advertisements. Billboards. They eat a lot of energy.
On the other hand, after my country stop supporting Russia, we have dark main boulevards at capital city. And first, look yourselves before point with finger at others.


2 years ago #9877342        

In Norway the electricity prices are such that many Norwegians consider turning off the light unnecessary wear on the light switches.

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