Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Food Crimes

Food Crimes

Sweden can’t keep getting away with his food crimes.

Norway Sweden Denmark
13th August 2022
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3 years ago #9874963        

Pizza with pineapple is delicious. Fight me

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3 years ago #9875023        

I will never understand why some people get so upset about pineapple on pizza. If you don't like it, don't eat it yourself. There are people (like my mother) who HATE green peppers on pizza, but she never ranted and raved about how they don't belong there. She just didn't eat them herself. I know a lot of people are just having fun with it, but there's plenty of people who get violently angry about it in real life.

I'm also willing to bet most people bashing it have never actually tried it. I thought it was weird myself, but then I worked for a year at Pizza Hut and quickly got tired of regular pizza with my free meals. (One per four hour shift at the time.) So I tried different stuff. Anchovies are insanely salty, pretty much ruining the pizza. Barbecue beef was excellent, and Hawaiian pizza (pineapple + ham) was really good and became my favorite. Domino's has a Hawaiian adds roasted red pepper (a bit sweet) and bacon (savory, as is the ham) and is _really_ good.

If you want pizzas with toppings that make you truly wonder WTF they were thinking, look at the stuff they put on pizza in Japan. Pineapple won't seem remotely weird or gross after that.

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3 years ago #9875027        

I don't get the fuss about pineapple on pizza. "Hawaiian" pizza is pretty good.

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3 years ago #9875062        

It's amazing how we are able to be disgusted by other people's cuisine.

We eat Muscle, but internal organ is off the menu for most people.
Milk is disgusting when you think about it, and worse, we have thousands of ways for it to ROT before we eat it.
Scandinavia has figured out how to make several different forms of edible soap out of fish, which is about as disgusting as cheese when you think about it.

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3 years ago #9875012        

Banana on a pizza?!? What is next?!? Surstrøm on pizza’s?!?!?

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3 years ago #9874955        

Norway and Denmark, you tell the pizza makers what you want on your pizza when you order it. unless your order got mixed up with someone else

also Sweden only the peel is yellow, and the banana itself is white

also, yellow pepper topping exists and that is a fruit

edit: someone thumbs me down cause they don't know how ordering a pizza works? or was it because I said on the peel of a banana is yellow or that pepper is a fruit?

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2 years ago #9875539        

IMHO, I like pineapple on pizza - it makes the pizza more digestible
And about banana, every all-you-can-eat pizza places (and some local brands too) got banana with cinnamon pizza as a dessert
We have some dessert flavors like sweet pineapple, chocolate and coconut, and my fave is goiabada (kinda a quince cheese, but made with guava) and cheese (this combination is also known as "Romeu e Julieta" / "Romeo and Juliet") *YUM!*

2 years ago #9875306        

This is probably needed by now:

Here is an American blogging about Swedish pizzas, which include the one with bananas. He actually liked them:

3 years ago #9875164        

I remember when I went to Italy there was this one restaurant that had the “Americana” pizza that had fries and hotdogs on it. I just thought it was funny.

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3 years ago #9875085        

Everybody is entitled to eat as they want, but some flavors are traditional, some are not traditional but similar to the traditional ones, and some are none of both. Pizza with ananas is not traditional (although of course getting there slowly) and does not match with the traditional flavor (as any sweet topping). And as I consider that tradition is usually the result of accumulated wisdom (although with plenty of exceptions) and I like it in this particular case, you will *never* see me eating pizza with ananas, bananas or nutella. Absolutely never ever. But that's me.

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